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Remote banking service

Online banking services
Remote banking service


The Remote Banking Service System (RBSS) is a multifunctional software and hardware complex that allows clients to generate and send settlement and other documents to the bank, monitor the status of their accounts, and receive a wide range of up-to-date financial information without personally visiting the bank.

You no longer need to bring paper documents to the bank – electronic documents and electronic messages have the same legal force, and instead of a regular handwritten signature, an electronic digital signature (EDS) is used on them.

Advantages of using a remote banking system:

  • Efficiency and economy. Using RBSS allows managing the financial flows of the enterprise directly from the office and significantly reduces the costs of staff working time associated with visiting the bank.
  • Simplicity and convenience. Automation of the process of preparing settlement and other documents, as well as the presence of software control for filling in mandatory details in documents significantly simplifies the process of document formation and allows minimizing operational errors.
  • Security and efficiency. RBSS allows increasing the security and confidentiality of document flow with the bank; at any time receive a statement containing information about all incoming and outgoing documents and other information about the account status without visiting the bank.

Opening of the second and subsequent accounts ONLINE

To ensure maximum security of customer transactions and confidentiality of information transmitted via communication channels, the bank uses the most modern technical and software tools:

  • protection using a password that restricts access to the RBSS;
  • encryption of electronic documents to ensure their protection in the event of possible interception in communication channels;
  • use of digital signature for documents.

When receiving documents transferred using the RBSS, the bank checks the digital signature on each document received. Thus, with proper storage of personal keys for cryptographic protection of information, documents are reliably protected from counterfeiting and unwanted viewing.

When receiving documents transferred using the RBSS, the bank checks the digital signature on each document received. Thus, with proper storage of personal keys for cryptographic protection of information, documents are reliably protected from counterfeiting and unwanted viewing.

List of electronic documents for corporate clients to work in the RBSS

The Internet Client subsystem allows clients to generate and send settlement and other documents to the bank, control the status of their accounts, and also receive a wide range of up-to-date financial information without personally contacting the bank.


  • • It does not require installation of the client part, which allows clients, having installed cryptographic information protection tools, to independently configure any computer connected to the Internet to use the subsystem.
  • • Provides access to bank account information in real time 24 hours a day.
  • • Allows creating templates for frequently created documents.

Requirements for the Internet Client subsystem:

  • Access to the Internet (https://i25-client.belapb.by)
  • Operating system Windows 7SP1 and above
  • browser Google Chrome 91 and above, Mozilla Firefox 88 and above, MS Edge
  • Avest subscriber kit AvUCKBel , providing work with AvToken , AvBign or AvPass media

5 steps to connect to the Internet Client subsystem

Review the Terms of Service and Fee Guide
Contact the bank with an Application for connection to the Internet Client subsystem
Obtain from the bank or provide the EDS (ELECTRONIC DIGITAL SIGNATURE) key
Install software on your computer to work with the digital signature
Start working in the Internet Client subsystem

Please note that when working in the demo version of the Internet Client subsystem:

  • the data you enter remains in the system until it is updated and may be available to other users who are exploring the system's capabilities unless you delete it
  • the functionality of the demo version is somewhat limited

The remote banking system consists of:

  • Subsystems "Internet-Client"
  • Subsystems of "Mobile Bank"

Mobile banking allows you to:

  • view, create payment documents in Belarusian rubles and to the budget (except for transfers to accounts of individuals)
  • confirm payments with an SMS code (without linking to an electronic digital signature)
  • manage accounts, control cash flow

Additional features:

  • The application has a dedicated “Taxes” section with pre-filled details of popular payments to the budget
  • the application analyzes popular counterparties and makes it possible to create a payment with already filled in beneficiary details from among the popular ones;
  • it is possible to confirm payment documents to counterparties;
  • an advanced search for documents is available, including those created in the Internet Client subsystem;
  • it is possible to link it in the Touch ID application (if available on the phone);
  • generation of account statements.

2 steps to connect to Mobile Bank

Be connected to the Internet Client subsystem
Submit an application to the bank for connection to Mobile Bank

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