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JSC Belagroprombank offers comprehensive cash and settlement services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency.

To open a checking account, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs should read

Resident legal entities and individual entrepreneurs shall present the following:

1.  Application for opening an account signed by a person authorized to open it  (filled in two copies, when opening several accounts, an application shall be submitted for each separate account) (application form) or an application for complex service of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), signed by a person authorized to open it (filled in two copies, provided when opening an account and at the same time connecting a legal entity, individual entrepreneur to banking products (services), it is allowed to indicate several accounts in the application) (application form). The application form must be completed in Russian.;

2. Copy (not notarized, certified by a business entity) of the Articles of Association (certificate of incorporation – for profit-making organization operating only on the basis of the certificate of incorporation), bearing a stamp evidencing state registration, – to be presented by a legal entity.

3. Copy of the certificate of state registration (not notarized, certified by a business entity) – to be presented by an individual entrepreneur.

4. Other documents (information) required to identify a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the prevention of legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorist activities and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

For settlements using funds on the checking account, it is required to make a specimen signature card of officers of legal entities or an independent entrepreneur who are authorized to sign documents for settlement purposes.

For reference: Attesting signatures of persons who are authorized to sign settlement documents of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs against cards bearing specimen thereof may be performed by an authorized employee of JSC Belagroprombank or the body authorized to perform notarial actions (at the request of the account holder), unless otherwise is provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

In case the employee of JSC Belagroprombank attests signatures of persons who are authorized to sign settlement documents, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs shall submit the documents confirming the right of the manager (individual entrepreneur, lawyer) to manage funds held on account(s).

Documents confirming the right of the head (individual entrepreneur, lawyer) to dispose of the funds on the account(s) are:

  • for the head - an extract from the decision (minutes) of the general meeting, the board, another governing body of the legal entity on the election of the head or the decision of the owner of the property - an individual on the appointment of the head and the employment contract (contract or extract from the contract of the head in terms of his powers and contract term), and (or) a civil law contract, a copy of the document of the local executive and administrative body on the approval of the candidate for election (re-election) to the position of chairman of the board of the partnership of owners or the organization of developers. At the same time, when transferring the powers of the head of a legal entity under the contract to another commercial organization (managing organization) or an individual entrepreneur (manager), the following additional items should be provided: a decision of the general meeting of participants in a business company (decision of a participant in a business company, decision of the owner of property, other management body of a legal entity) on the transfer of powers, an agreement on the transfer of powers of the head of a legal entity to another commercial organization (managing organization) or to an individual entrepreneur. In the event that in a business company consisting of one participant, the head is simultaneously a member of the business company, in a private unitary enterprise the head is simultaneously the owner of the property, the documents confirming the head’s right to dispose of the funds on the account (s) is the decision of the participant of the business company (decision of the owner of the property - an individual) on the appointment to the position of the head and an application in any form, by which the head confirms that, as of the date of applying to the Bank, labor relations with him have not been terminated;
  • certificate of state registration, without validity period  – to be presented by an individual entrepreneur;
  • the Articles of Association  - to be presented by the head of a farm household;
  • other documents evidencing powers and authorities of persons authorized to sign settlement documents in accordance with the legislation.


*To learn more about the list of documents confirming the right of the manager/individual entrepreneur to manage funds held on account(s), contact any office of JSC Belagroprombank.

In order to determine due dates for cash advance, legal entities, their subdivisions, individual entrepreneurs receiving cash at JSC Belagroprombank shall present the copies or abstracts of  collective contracts (agreements), labour agreements (contracts), other documents specifying the due dates for payment of wages, scholarships, pensions, benefits, alimony payments as per established form.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs – non-residents of the Republic of Belarus are required to submit the following documents to the bank:

1.    An application for opening a bank account signed by a person authorized to open it (two completed copies are required; when opening multiple bank accounts an application shall be provided for each account) (application form) or an application for comprehensive services for a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) signed by a person authorized to open it (two completed copies are required; to be provided when opening an account and simultaneously connecting a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur to banking products (services). It is allowed to indicate multiple accounts in the application) (application form).

The application form must be completed in Russian

 2. A copy of an extract from the trade register of the country of incorporation of a non-resident (the extract must be dated no later than one year before the application for opening an account is submitted) or other equivalent evidence of the legal status of a business entity in accordance with the legislation of the country of its incorporation

3.  A copy of the Articles of Association and (or) the Deed of Incorporation, or other equivalent proof of legal status in accordance with the legislation of the country of its incorporation, on the basis of which it acts (non-residents - legal entities). When the representative office provides copies of the documents specified in clause 3, the copies must be notarized. Individual entrepreneurs - non-residents of the Republic of Belarus shall provide a special permit to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

The documents and copies of the documents issued, drawn up and (or) certified as required by the competent authorities of foreign states outside the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the legislation of foreign states, are accepted provided they have been legalized or apostilled, unless otherwise provided for by an international treaty of the Republic of Belarus

The documents and copies of the documents drawn up in a foreign language provided by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) - a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus - must be accompanied by a duly certified translation into one of the official languages of the Republic of Belarus.

4.  A copy of the power of attorney in the name of the head of the representative office (certified by the head of the representative office).

5.  A copy of the Regulations of the representative office (certified by the head of the representative office).
Copies of the documents listed in clauses 4 and 5 shall be certified by the head of the representative office (a person authorized by the head of the representative office) by signing all sheets and affixing a stamp on each of them, or the documents shall be stitched, laced, numbered, and certified by the signature of the head of the representative office (person authorized by the head of the representative office) and affixed by the seal of the representative office with the mark "True" on the first page.

6. Representative offices of non-resident legal entities located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus shall also submit a copy of the permit issued by the regional executive committee (Minsk city executive committee) to open a representative office, certified by a notary or by the account owner.

7.   Other documents (information) required to identify a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the prevention of legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorist activities and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

For the purpose of settlements using funds held in the current (settlement) bank account, a signature specimen card shall be drawn up containing specimen of signatures of officials of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) - a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus - who are entitled to sign settlement documents, as per the the form established by the bank. Verification of the authenticity of signatures of persons entitled to sign settlement documents of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) - a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus can be carried out:

  • at the diplomatic mission (consular office) of the Republic of Belarus  in the country of incorporation of a non-resident;
  • in the absence of a diplomatic mission (consular office) of the Republic of Belarus in the country of incorporation of a non-resident - at the diplomatic mission (consular office) of the country of incorporation of a non-resident opened in the Republic of Belarus;
  • in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the country of incorporation of the account owner, subject to applicable law;
  • an authorized employee of JSC Belagroprombank or a body authorized to perform notarial acts.

Cash and settlement services include the following main types of operations:

  • opening accounts to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The Bank opens current (settlement), special, temporary and other accounts to clients, including those who have current (settlement) bank accounts with other banks;
  • wire transfers;
  • sending settlement documents in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency to the automated information system for the fulfillment of monetary obligations in the absence of sufficient amount of funds оn the client's account for fulfillment;
  • issue of statements and certificates on the clients’ accounts;
  • remote bank servicing  “Internet-Client”;
  • cash withdrawal from clients' accounts;
  • accepting Belarusian rubles in cash from legal entities, their separate subdivisions, individual entrepreneurs as payment for goods, work, services, other payments and subsequent crediting thereof to the current (settlement) bank accounts of the recipients;
  • accepting cash in Belarusian rubles from clients of other banks for crediting to their current (settlement) bank and other accounts;
  • accepting cash in foreign currency from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for crediting to their accounts, accounts of recipients;
  • accepting cash in foreign currency from clients of other banks for crediting to their current (settlement) bank and other accounts;
  • bank payment card transactions;
  • attesting the signatures against specimen signature card.
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