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The roundtable discussion: “Debt market of Belarus”


On February, 25 the annual roundtable discussion “Debt market of the Republic ofBelarus” took place in Minsk. JSC Belagroprombank was the general sponsor of the event.

Over 100 people participated in the conference

The conference became a unique communication site for the representatives of the bankingsector and the real sector of economy. The most critical and topical issues connected with bondmarkets and syndicated lending of Belarus were discussed during the conference

The CEO of the Information Agency Cbonds Sergey Lyalin delivered his welcoming speech

- Our first conference dedicated to the financial market of Belarus took place in 2010, - says Sergey Lyalin, the CEO of the Information Agency Cbonds and the organizer of the event. –But this year we decided to change the format of the event and organize a “round table” wherethe participants could discuss a practical side of the issue. In this respect, I would like to thankJSC Belagroprombank for the provided support and participation in the conference. You are theonly bank in Belarus which has enough experience at attracting funds not only using syndicatedloans, but also issuing loan participation notes with the maturity of 3 years. Belagroprombank’sexperience is undoubtedly unique, and, according to conference participants’ feedbacks, theprovided information by the bank’s representative was useful.

JSC Belagroprombank became the official partner of the conference

— The roundtable discussion provided a perfect opportunity to discuss topical issues with thepartner banks in a live format. We, being one of the largest banks in the Belarusian syndicatedlending market, shared our achievements and experience at organizing deals in the internationaldebt capital market, - exclaims the Head of Capital Markets Department of the InternationalBusiness Department of JSC Belagroprombank Julia Alekseeva.

The Head of Capital Markets Department of the International Business Department of JSCBelagroprombank Julia Alekseeva presented the report in the section “The syndicated lendingmarket of the Republic of Belarus”

Both Belarusian and foreign experts delivered their speeches. In particular, the economicsituation in our country was analyzed by the representative from Standard & Poor’s – asubsidiary of American corporation McGraw-Hill. Along with the powerful international ratingagencies, leaders in their areas Moody's and Fitch Ratings, Standard&Poor’s has been dealingwith analytical researches of the financial markets for several decades already..

The speeches of the leading banker from the European Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment and the representative from the rating agency Standard & Poor’s were the mostinteresting – noticed Julia Alekseeva. — All the presented information is useful and up-to-date,especially taking into account the fact that it represents a detached view from outside on theeconomy of our country and its financial market. It is essential for every active participant of themarket to follow foreign experts’ and analysts’ detached views in order to better understandforeign investors’ and partners’ expectations and foresee possible problems which may occurduring realization of big international deals.

The next conference will be held in 2017.

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