Belagroprombank’s employees will take part in the improvement of the territory of the hospice
In the framework of the project “25 kind deeds”, devoted to the 25th Anniversary of JSC Belagroprombank, a series of corporate voluntary Saturday works will take place in the Belarusian children’s hospice during April and May.
The first voluntary Saturday works will be held on April, 21. The employees of the central office of JSC Belagroprombank will do the cleanup of the surrounding area and the interior premises.
The main goal of the event is to assist in the improvement of a new building of the Belarusian children’s hospice that will start its work in the end of June, 2016.

A new building of the public voluntary organization “Belarusian children’s hospice” is situated in the northern part of the village “Opytniy” of Borovlyany rural council in Minsk region
Mission of the hospice
The main mission of the hospice is to secure life quality to an incurable person. After opening of the public voluntary organization “Belarusian children’s hospice” about 350 children will be able to get help there annually. Moreover, an educational center on children’s palliative care will be opened at the premises of the hospice, which will allow to prepare medical specialists for the work in this area. As a result, new independent organizations on palliative support for children will be opened in far away regions.

For reference only
At the moment the hospice is located in a separate cottage in the village Borovlyany in Minsk region. Initially the building was not meant for such kind of an organization as it was a four-story residential building with a spiral staircase. There is no elevator here, separate exits from children’s rooms, no opportunity to create an easy of access playground in the fresh air for children.
In May, 2011 the president of the Republic of Belarus ordered to provide the hospice with a piece of land for construction of a new building. A new website was created to spread information about the construction process and the collection of funds. Every person can find the full and the latest information about the construction of the new children’s hospice.