“Gifts for you!”: JSC Belagroprombank thanked its first customers - owners of the package “Care”
In 2012 the Bank offered the package “Care” to its customers. 4 years later the advertising campaign “Gifts for you!” was organized to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of JSC Belagroprombank. The customers who became the first owners of the package gathered in the Bank’s branches for a warm meeting. The Bank’s employees expressed their gratitude to each participant of the advertising campaign and presented the gifts from the Bank:
- a gift card from the store chain for household appliances and electronics “5 element” for the total amount of 250 Belarusian rubles;
- a monetary part of the gift in the amount of 25 Belarusian rubles.
Brest region

JSC Belagroprombank has always taken care of the older generation and the package “Care” is an excellent proof thereof”, – exclaimed the participants of the campaign during their meeting with the staff of the Bank’s Cash and Settlement Centre №37 in Pinsk. – “We’d like to wish the Bank further fruitful development and we are looking forward to getting new profitable bank products”.
Vitebsk region

“It is very surprising and pleasant at the same time. We would like to thank the Bank!” - Alla Tsymbareva and Viktor Borodulkin, owners of the gifts from Novopolotsk, expressed their words of gratitude to the staff of Cash and Settlement Centre №32 in Polotsk

Ludmila Baranovskaya, Ludmila Dobrovolskaya and Elena Heruvimova from the town Kochanovo confessed they could not even imagine that they would be so lucky to get such a chance to win the gifts from the Bank.
Gomel region

Asya Davydova together with the Bank’s employees
The Bank’s management of retail business and employees of retail sales centre congratulated warmly Asya Davydova from Gomel. At receiving the gifts Asya Efimovna noted that she always keeps an eye on the Bank’s new products and advises her friends to use the services of our financial institution.

Lidya Batryncha and Svetlana Garist
Two people at once from Kalinkovichi became the participants of the advertising campaign in Cash and Settlement centre №27: Lidya Batryncha and Svetlana Garist. “It is always pleasant to get gifts, but it is much more pleasant to make surprises. Go on cooperating with us, participate in our advertising campaigns and you will get another chance to win! – said Alexander Pilyak, Head of Cash and Settlement centre № 27 in Kalinkovichi.

Nikolai Pilipenko became the participant of the advertising campaign in Svetlogorsk: “Thank you very much for congratulations! It was a very surprising and bright event for me”.
Grodno region

There have been four participants of the advertising campaign in Grodno region. Three of them are from Shchuchin: М.V. Gumennik, Т.F. Tityak and Т.А. Sheigerevich.

The Bank’s customers in Minsk received not only the gifts, but were also invited for tea. During the meeting with the staff of Minsk City Directorate they shared their experience about how they became customers of the Bank as well as told about other Bank’s services they preferred.
Mogilev region

The package “Care” is very trustworthy, comfortable and profitable! We have already tested this bank product in practice, that is why we advise it to all our friends and acquaintances”, - noted Anna Chikova and Maria Kovaleva, citizens of the town Khotimsk, Mogilev region.
Minsk region

Citizens of Kletsk I.T. Apanasevich and O.M. Koberets are also among the winners: “We are happy that the Bank pays much attention to its customers. The package “Care” is a whole list of profitable services. The deposit “Care” is one of them. It provides an opportunity not only to save but also to increase your savings”.