JSC “Belagroprombank” and Public Joint Stock Company “The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development” signed an agreement on principles of cooperation
On September 28th, 2017 in Ekaterinburg an agreement on principles of cooperation has been executed between JSC “Belagroprombank” and UBRD, PJSC the leading bank of the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation.

The signing of this agreement forms a solid foundation for a long-term partnership between the two financial institutions to support the initiatives of their customers, and will contribute to the development of foreign trade activity between the regions as well as comprehensive interaction between the banks.
Reference: Public Joint Stock Company “The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development” (UBRD) – one of the largest banks of Russian Federation was incorporated in September 1990. Being the leader of banking industry in Sverdlovsk region UBRD is listed by Central Bank of Russian Federation among TOP-30 Russian banks in terms of assets. The network of the bank has more than 1500 customer service points including self-offices, ATMs and terminals in 43 regions of the country. UBRD’s international credit rating assigned by the Standard & Poor's rating agency is "В-" with "stable" outlook.