JSC Belagroprombank informs about changes to interest rates on deposits in Belarusian rubles
From 15.02.2017 onwards, interest rates will be changed for the newly concluded agreements of time bank deposits in Belarusian rubles.
Starting from the date, the interest rates will amount:
- up to 10% p.a. to revocable bank deposits “LINE OF GROWTH 3.0. UP TO 1 YEAR”;
- up to 14% p.a. to revocable bank deposits “LINE OF GROWTH 3.0.OVER 1 YEAR”;
- 10, 0% p.a. to revocable bank deposits “25 Years Together”;
- 13, 0% p.a to revocable bank deposits “Care”;
- up to 13, 0% p.a. to revocable bank deposits “@gro”
- up to 16% p.a. to irrevocable bank deposits “Standard”;
For the detailed information about deposits please contact the bank’s offices or visit our website - Individual customers