JSC Belagroprombank to increase interest rates on new retail deposits
Starting 20.04.2018, JSC Belagroprombank will increase interest rates on bank deposits in USD and Russian rubles. In particular, from the above date the following interest rates will apply to new deposits:
For USD deposits:
A revocable deposit “Line of Grwoth 3.0 Up to 1 Year”: from 0,5 to 0,9% per annum subject to tenor;
A revocable deposit “@gro”: from 0,6 to 1,5% per annum subject to tenor;
A revocable deposit “Deposit Card”: 0,6 % per annum.
For deposits in Russian rubles:
A revocable deposit “Line of Grwoth 3.0 Up to 1 Year”: from 2,0 to 4,0% per annum subject to tenor;
A revocable deposit “@gro”: from 3,0 to 4,1% per annum subject to tenor.