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    Belkart PREMIUM Children's

    • for participants of the children's savings program "Grow big!" free
    • money-back 0,5%
    • possibility of release with individual design

    You can make transactions with a BELKART PREMIUM children’s card only within the Republic of Belarus.



    Account currency


    Card validity period

    6 years

    Card issuance fee

    5 BYN;

    free for the participants of the promotion "Children's Savings program "Grow big!"*

    free custom design.

    You can issue the children’s card for:

    • a child aged 6 to 14 (the card is issued as an additional card to the current (settlement) account of the child’s legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians);
    • a teenager aged 14 to 18 (the card can be issued both as the main one (with a passport) and as an additional one to the current (settlement) account of the child’s legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).



    Also, using a children's card, it is possible to receive Money-back in the most relevant trade and service organizations for children. Details of the conditions for accruing Money-back can be found here.


    You can learn more about bank rates here.

    A card with an individual design.

    For a children's card, you have the opportunity to make it unique by placing your favorite image on it! You can choose it fr om the list of available ones, or offer your own, having previously agreed on compliance with the rules provided by payment systems.

    How can I get the children’s card in your Bank?

    To issue the children’s card, you need to contact any branch of the bank and fill out an application form for issuing the card. Both an adult and a child must have an identity document with them. If the child has not yet received an identity document, it is necessary to take a birth certificate with you.

    At what age can the children’s card be issued for a child?

    The children’s card is issued for children aged 6 to 18. It can be issued as a main or additional card.

    The holder of the main card is the owner of the account to which the card is issued.

    The holder of the additional card is not the owner of the account to which it is issued. In this case, the account owner must allow issuing an additional card for a child to his/her account by filling out an application of the appropriate form.

    For children aged 6 to 14, the children’s card is issued as an additional one only to the accounts of their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents or guardians).

    Children between the ages of 14 and 18 have the right to:

    • open an account on a general basis (only with a passport) with the possibility of issuing a main or additional children’s card;
    • receive the children’s card as an addition to the accounts of other persons (not necessarily their legal representatives).
    How can a parent control the child’s spending?

    Our bank provides several ways to control the spending of money by a child:

    1. The account owner can set a lim it for spending money on the children’s card, which allows restricting the use of a certain amount of money by a child during the day.
    2. The account owner can activate the “SMS Informing” service, with the help of which SMS-messages will be sent to his/her mobile phone with information about each transaction performed with the use of the children’s card.

    In addition, parents can control the spending of funds on the children’s card in the “Internet Banking” system, as well as arrange receipt of a statement on the children’s card by e-mail.

    What transactions can be carried out using the children’s card?

    With the help of children’s cards, it is possible to perform almost the same transactions that can be performed with the help of ordinary cards, with the exception of some restrictions.

    Holders of children’s cards aged from 6 to 14 can perform transactions that do not require a signature on the card-check, but are confirmed by entering a PIN code. Such transactions include:

    • withdrawing cash from ATMs;
    • non-cash settlements in Belarusian rubles for transactions of payment for goods and services;
    • making payment transactions at ATMs, self-service terminals and self-service terminals (if the transaction of viewing the balance on the card is not prohibited) in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
    • replenishment of the account only through the self-service terminal (if the transaction of viewing the balance on the card is not prohibited).

    Holders of children’s cards aged from 14 to18 can perform all transactions without exception.

    Is it possible to issue the children’s card in the name of someone else’s child?

    For children under the age of 14, the children’s card is issued only to the accounts of their legal representatives. For children over the age of 14, the children’s card can be issued to the accounts of any third parties, without the consent of their legal representatives. Thus, if you are not the child’s legal representative, you can issue the children’s card to your account in the name of the child only if the child is at least 14 years old.

    What should be done if the child loses the card?

    The child has lost the card or if suddenly a stranger has become aware of the PIN code, you must immediately notify the customer support service at 8 (017) 299-25-26. Then you need to make a written application to the bank.

    Available card operations in the mobile app:

    • Pay for mobile communication
    • Transfer money
    • Change PIN code
    Download for iOS Download for Android
    Available card operations in the mobile app:

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