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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    About bank

    years of functioning as an independent financial institution
    clients - individuals
    clients - business entities
    customer service points throughout the republic
    • Authorized bank of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for servicing government programs.
    • One of the largest banks in Belarus, which has implemented a quality management system that meets the international requirements of ISO 9001.  
    • JSC Belagroprombank is the owner of the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality 2019 year. The award was presented "for the achievement of significant results in the field of quality and competitiveness of products, services provided or work performed, the introduction of innovative technologies and modern management methods".
    • “The Best Commercial Bank of Belarus - 2021” according to the World Finance Banking Awards.

    Bank information

    About bank

    Full name of the bank:

    Language Name
    In Belarusian Адкрытае акцыянернае таварыства "Белаграпрамбанк"
    In Russian Открытое акционерное общество "Белагропромбанк"
    In English Joint-Stock Company Belagroprombank

    Short name of the bank:

    Language Name
    In Belarusian ААТ «Белаграпрамбанк»
    In Russian ОАО "Белагропромбанк"
    In  English JSC Belagroprombank


    Legal address:

    Zhukov Ave. 3, Minsk, 220036



    Taxpayer’s ID number 100693551

    GIIN-number on FATCA: XBRR38.99999.SL.112

    Correspondent account in the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus:

    BY33NBRB32000096400110000000, БИК NBRBBY2X

    Fax: +375 (17) 218 57 14

    Telex: 252 514 APBRBBY

    Call 136; +375 (17) 218 57 77 ; +375(29) 198 57 77 (А1); +375(29) 888 57 77 (МТС); +375(25) 999 57 77 (life :);

    Contact Centre - Opening Hours: 8.00 – 20.00 on week days 8.00 – 18.00 on days off and holidays Calls from landline and a mobile phone (life:), А1, МТS) as per mobile service provider’s rates

    License and status

    JSC Belagroprombank is a commercial legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The bank was registered on 03.09.1991 (letter of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 03.09.1991 No. 03005/184).

    The bank's identification code in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs is 100693551.

    In accordance with the decree of the Government and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 849/7 dated June 18, 2008 JSC Belagroprombank is a bank authorized to service government programs.

    JSC "Belagroprombank" operates on the basis of the following licenses:

    License for banking activities of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 2 dated January 17, 2024.

    Issued for the following banking operations:

    1. raising funds from individuals and legal entities to accounts and deposits;
    2. placement of raised funds from individuals and legal entities to accounts and deposits on their own behalf and at their own expense on terms of repayment, interest payment and maturity (including provision of loans);
    3. opening and keeping bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
    4. opening and keeping accounts in precious metals;
    5. provision of settlement and cash services to individuals and legal entities, including respondent banks;
    6. currency exchange operations;
    7. purchase and sale of precious metals and precious stones in cases provided by the National Bank;
    8. attraction and placement of precious metals into deposits of individuals and legal entities;
    9. issuance of bank guarantees and other operations with bank guarantees;
    10. trust management of the bank management fund under trust management agreement of the bank management fund;
    11. trust management of funds under the trust management agreement;
    12. issuance of bank payment cards and other payment instruments requiring the opening and keeping accounts and settlement transactions for payments accepted when using such payment instruments;
    13. issuance of securities confirming raising funds to deposits and their placement on accounts;
    14. financing against the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring);
    15. providing individuals and legal entities with special premises or safes located in them for the bank storage of documents and valuables (cash, securities, precious metals and precious stones, etc.);
    16. settlement transactions.

    JSC Belagroprombank operates in the securities market on the basis of a special permit (license) for the right to carry out professional and exchange activities in securities No. 02200 / 5200-1246-1085, which was issued on June 29, 1995 and is valid indefinitely.

    Components of work and services:

    • brokerage activities;
    • dealer activity;
    • depository activities;
    • activities on trust management of securities.


    Vision, mission and values ​​of the bank

    Bank vision:

    regional bank No. 1 for financial support of the population, as well as small and medium-sized businesses with highly efficient operating activities and a moderate level of accepted risks.

    Bank mission:

    assistance to the economic development of the regions of the Republic of Belarus with a simultaneous focus on market forms and methods of banking business.

    Our values:


    The main value of the bank, which is all-round support for the development of the country through the promotion of its economic growth, the creation of additional value for clients and society, assistance in statehood strengthening.


    The value that is basic for every person. The support of family values ​​for the bank is unconditional.


    The value of the individuality of each person.

    Quality management system

    JSC Belagroprombank is one of the first banks in the Republic of Belarus to implement a quality management system for the provision of banking services in accordance with the requirements of the STB ISO 9001 standard (ISO 9001).

    The top management of JSC Belagroprombank provided evidence of the commitments made, declaring a quality policy that defines the general intentions and directions of the bank’s activities aimed at satisfying the requirements and expectations of consumers of banking services.


    The implementation of a quality management system allows the bank to ensure continuous improvement of its banking services and constantly increase customer satisfaction.

    Compliance of the quality management system for the provision of banking services with the requirements of the STB ISO 9001 (ISO 9001) standard is confirmed by certificates of conformity.

    Belagroprombank constantly carries out activities to improve the quality of service. You can leave feedback and suggestions for improving the service and improving the quality of the bank's services in the Feedback section of the website.

    The Representative Office of the Bank in the Italian Republic

    JSC Belagroprombank has its representative office in the Italian Republic (Milan).


    On May 18, 2007 inauguration of the representative office of JSC Belagroprombank in Italy (Milan) took place. It is the first representative office of Belarusian bank in Italy.

    The decision to open the representative office was influenced by dynamic development of trade and economic cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Italian Republic, and, as a consequence, by growing demand for banking services in the field of trade flows and investment projects between Belarus and Italy.

    The representative office focuses on representing the interests of the bank as well as bank’s clients implementing trade finance projects with participation of Italian counterparties.

    Address of the Representative Office: The Italian Republic, Milan, 20122, via Filippo Corridoni 1.

    Head of the Representative Office – Logun Alexandre

    Tel. +39 02 760 182 87

    Fax: +39 02 365 35 862

    Work hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00-18.00, Lunch break 13.00-14.00.


    International cooperation
    Disclosure of information more details
    Disclosure of information on the securities market more details
    Background information more details
    Performance indicators and financial statements more details
    FEE GUIDE more details
    Compliance with the principles of financial market infrastructures more details
    Our awards
    Our awards more details
    Thank us
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