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    About the Management Board of JSC Belagroprombank

    The Management Board of JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter referred to as the bank) is a collegial executive body of the bank that carries out the current management of the bank’s activities and is responsible for the effectiveness of its work.

    The main task of the Management Board is the operational management of the bank in order to ensure compliance of the bank’s activities with the approved local legal acts of the bank (hereinafter referred to as LLA), which determine the bank’s development and risk management strategy, credit, investment and other policies of the bank, as well as ensuring the effective functioning of the corporate governance system, risk management system, the bank’s internal control system and the bank’s remuneration and compensation system.

    The composition of the Management Board was elected by the bank's Supervisory Board in the amount of 9 persons, which corresponds to the bank's Articles: the first deputy chairman of board and 5 deputy chairmen of the board, the chief accountant and the head of the non-performing loan management department. The Chairman, who is also the bank manager, heads the board.

    44.4% of the bank's Management Board members are women.

    The average age of the Management Board members is 47 years.

    The procedure of election, agreement on the position of members of the Board, the competence of the Board and the Chairman of the Board are regulated by the legislation, the bank's Articles, the Regulations on the Management Board of JSC Belagroprombank and other LLA of the bank.

    The Management Board carries out its activities in accordance with the law, the Articles of JSC Belagroprombank, the Regulations on the Board of JSC Belagroprombank, other LLA of the bank, decisions of the General meeting of Shareholders and the bank’s Supervisory Board.

    Every year, the Management Board works out proposals to streamline the bank’s corporate governance while conducting the internal assessment of the effectiveness of the Management Board and of the bank’s corporate governance by the bank’s Supervisory Board. The assessment conclusion and the road map to improve the bank’s corporate governance efficiency are approved by the bank’s Supervisory Board.

    An external assessment of corporate governance was carried out in 2021. Analysis of compliance of corporate governance with national standards and international principles demonstrates the high quality level of compliance by the bank.                                         

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