14 young Olympic scholars became Belagroprombank’s clients
On January 12, 2016 the Ceremony was held during which 14 young Olympic scholarsreceived scholarships of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus andbank payment cards from JSC Belagroprombank.

14 young sportsmen in track and field, boxing, judo, tae kwon do, artistic gymnastics, cycling, kayak and canoeing, synchronous swimming and table tennis received the Olympic scholarships and bank payment cards from Belagroprombank

Excellent sport results and achievements were the ground for giving awards to the futureOlympic athletes
The honorable guests – the Olympic Champions Leonid Taranenko and Dmitry Dovgalenok, aswell as the official representatives of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic ofBelarus and from Belagroprombank took part in the Ceremony. The present campaign becamethe first event of mutual cooperation of Belagroprombank and the National Olympic Committeeof the Republic of Belarus in 2016.
Greeting the audience Dmitry Dovgalenok noted:
– The main purpose for providing funds to young sportsmen is the assistance in their future sportcareer, creation of adequate material conditions for increasing their sport expertise,preparation and participation in the future official international competitions.

Elmira Vardak (synchronous swimming) is receiving the Certificate from the National OlympicCommittee of the Republic of Belarus and presents from Belagroprombank
While rewarding the sportsmen Leonid Taranenko admitted:
– It is a pleasure to admit that the present campaign that aims at supporting young sportsmenand that started several years ago with the help of our sponsors is nowadays becoming more andmore popular. Doing sports is not easy. Not everybody is able to become the OlympicChampion. Many people do sports, but very few people win. I am sincerely glad that in spite of adifficult economic situation we continue our tradition and support young the most talented andpromising sportsmen who can achieve perfect results in the future. We all hope that our supportwill provide you an opportunity for self-development.

The official representative of JSC Belagroprombank Yuriy Karpitsky (on the right of the picture)wished young sportsmen new bright victories and a confident sport career
On behalf of the Bank Yuriy Karpitsky congratulated young sportsmen:
– We are glad to provide our financial support to young sportsmen. We hope that you will staywith Belagroprombank for a long time, and we will be your reliable financial partner. Webelieve that you will be able to take success of your senior colleagues, and your names willdecorate the Hall of the Olympic Fame.