Belagroprombank’s client has won a car!
Belagroprombank’s client has become the winner of the first stage of the advertisingcampaign “Pay with a single hand motion!”
Since December 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 JSC Belagroprombank together with thepayment system Visa and the chain of stores “Evroopt” have been holding an advertisingcampaign to promote the use of contactless cards Visa payWave.

The Chairman of the commission of the advertising campaign “Pay with a single hand motion!”,a director of “360 Media Group” Ltd. Yuriy Reut (on the right) is presenting the car keys to thewinner Evgeny Kuleshov (on the left)
To become a participant of the advertising campaign, it is necessary to purchase goods for anysum of money in “Evroopt” stores and pay with a card Visa payWave that was issued by anyBelarusian Bank. Then it is necessary to register a receipt on the web-site:
- I ordered a contactless card in December, 2015, — says Evgeny Kuleshov, the winner of thefirst stage of the advertising campaign “Pay with a single hand motion!”— I choseBelagroprombank for the development of its branch network.
According to Evgeny, every receipt in “Evroopt” has been a real “lottery ticket”. But only one ofthem was the lucky one:
- That was the registered receipt for the purchase of herbs and a pack of tomato juice. Whenbuying those goods I couldn’t even imagine that together with a small purchase I would have thecar keys!
The results of the first stage of the advertising campaign were known on January, 6 at 12.00.And 25 minutes later the organizers of the advertising campaign called Evgeny.
- This is incredible! Earlier it seemed to me that only the so called “close people” won. But themyth has vanished! Now I will drive a new car together with my wife and a daughter!
Evgeny works as the Senior Economist in one of the financial institutions in Belarus. Due to hisprofessional activity he can estimate the system Visa payWave:
- This is a new technology for Belarus. But I can surely say that it is easier to pay with acontactless card. Firstly, it allows to make your payment safe (a person does not give hisbanking card to another person). Secondly, this system increases the payment speed.
More than 9 000 people became participants of the advertising campaign in December, 2015.Nevertheless other participants still have a chance to win one of the two remaining carsVolkswagen Polo. The results of the second and the third stages will be known on February, 4and March, 4 respectively. The prize drawing is open to the public and is held at the presence ofthe committee at the address: Pobediteley Ave., 7А, 19 floor, room 59. Any person can witnessА, 19 floor, room 59. Any person can witnessthis event.
It is interesting to mention that none of the three winners will have to pay the gift tax to the State.The prize part of the advertising campaign “Pay with a single hand motion!” consists of twoparts: a car, which costs 17А, 19 floor, room 59. Any person can witness3 268 000 rubles and a money reward in the amount of 25 890 621rubles. The latter part covers the tax expenses.
JSC Belagroprombank wishes its clients successful purchases!