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    Belagroprombank’s rating


    As reported previously, February 27, 2020 S&P Global Ratings affirmed its long-term and short-term issuer credit ratings at «B/ B» level on Belagroprombank JSC. The outlook is stable.

    JSC Belagroprombank draws attention to the fact that S&P Global Ratings is the only international rating agency that assigns JSC Belagroprombank credit ratings based on the existence of contractual relations with the bank and receiving comprehensive up-to-date information on the bank and its activities, including non-public, as well as financial condition for an objective analysis of the bank and conducting a rating assessment.

    Any other organizations that publish information on credit ratings in relation to Belagroprombank act on their own initiative and do not have contractual relations and information disclosure agreements with the bank. According to the bank, such estimates cannot be considered as objective and as based on reliable data on the financial condition of the bank and its activities.

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