JSC Belagroprombank has introduced amendments into the Promotion on loans to small business
An interest rate for financing the ongoing activity in Belarusian rubles has been reduced. The interest rate has been set at the value of the refinancing rate of the National bank of the Republic of Belarus increased by 1 p. p (17% p.a. on February 17, 2017).
To be eligible to participate in the promotion individual entrepreneurs and privately owned legal entities are required to have the annual revenue up to USD 5 million in the equivalent, have a stable financial position and a positive credit history.
The promotion is valid up to February 28, 2017.
You can apply for a loan at any time, from home or from the office by simply submitting your request at the bank’s website in the section “Small and medium enterprises” by e-mail info@belapb.by or by calling the bank at 136.