JSC Belagroprombank has won two gold medals!
At the rewarding ceremony “Bank of the year 2015" our Bank has been recognized the best and honored two gold medals in two categories: "Creditor of the year" and "Banking product of the year: deposit"!
Altogether, the Bank possesses 5 awards!
It is especially pleasant that Internet users have recognized us the bronze medalists in the category "Banking service". "Belagroprombank offers its clients one of the best services in the country", – confidently declared the eminent experts – members of the jury of the competition at the rewarding ceremony. And we have managed to receive this distinguished title thanks to a job well done by the Bank’s employees and caring attitude to each client.

Other awards are: diplomas of the second degree "Banking product of the year: loan" and of the third degree "Bank for business"!
We have become the bronze medalists according to the total number of awards received by each bank.
Thanks to everybody who voted for us and trusted your voices!
JSC Belagroprombank proved once again that it is able to meet needs of even the most demanding client. We will continue to create the best banking products in the country and fulfill all your financial wishes.