JSC Belagroprombank informs about interest rates rise on new retail deposits in Belarusian rubles
Starting 10.11.2017, the following rates will apply to new bank deposits in Belarusian rubles:
Deposits “Standard” with a variable interest rate: 8% p.a. for deposits with a 95-day tenor, 9% p.a. for deposits with a 185-day tenor;
Deposits “Line of Growth 3.0. Up To 1 Year”: 7% p.a. for deposits with a 9-day tenor; 8% p.a. for deposits with a 185- day and 280-day tenor;
Deposits “Line of Growth 3.0. Over 1 Year”: 9% p.a. for deposits with a 735-day tenor;
Deposits “@gro”: 7,5% p.a. for deposits with a 95-day tenor; 8,5% p.a. for deposits with a 185-day tenor.