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    JSC Belagroprombank installed an ATM with cash replenishment function!


    Now the replenishment of a bank payment card will be much easier: in April, 2016 JSC Belagroprombank installed an ATM that allows to accept cash.

    The device accepts Belarusian rubles, US dollars, Euro and allows lodging a bundle of banknotes up to 100 banknotes.

    It is possible to appreciate the benefits of such an ATM in the new Bank’s branch at the address Minsk, Romanovskaya Sloboda str., 8.

    For the clients’ convenience the access to the building is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but herein the access to the building in the evenings and at night is available only using the bank payment cards.

    The Bank is going to install another 17 equivalent ATMs throughout the country.

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