JSC Belagroprombank to increase interest rates on existing foreign currency deposits of individuals
Starting April 2, 2018 the following interest rates will apply to existing foreign currency deposits:
In USD and EURO:
Up to 2,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Standard” with a variable interest rate;
Up to 1,8% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor - for deposits “Line of Growth 3.0. Over 1 Year”;
1,5% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement - for deposits “25 Years Together”;
Up to 2,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Premium Irrevocable”;
Up to 1,6% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Premium Revocable”;
0,4% p.a. – for “Deposit Card”;
2,0% p.a. – for deposits ”Savings System Line of Growth 2.0”;
Up to 2,0% p.a. – for “Line of Growth” deposits;
In Russian rubles:
Up to 7,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposit “Standard” with a variable interest rate;
Up to 5,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Line of Growth 3.0. Over 1 Year”;
4,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement – for deposits “25 Years Together”;
Up to 7,0% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Premium Irrevocable”;
Up to 5,5% p.a. subject to the date of deposit agreement and tenor – for deposits “Premium Revocable”;
5,0% p.a. – for deposits “Savings System Line of Growth 2.0”;
5,0% p.a. – for deposits “Line of Growth”.