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    New interest rates are introduced on accounts for individuals to which bank cards are issued


    Dear customers!

    JSC Belagroprombank informs about new interest rates under the newly concludedagreements and previously concluded agreements:

    •  of the current (settlement) account “Accumulative”, to which bank payment cardsBELCARD are issued;
    •  of the current (settlement) account “Care”, to which bank payment cards are issued;
    •  of the current (settlement) account, to which bank payment cards are issued, and intowhich pension is credited not less than once in 3 months;
    •  of the current (settlement) account “Salary” (alternative), to which bank payment cardsare issued;
    •  of the current (settlement) account “Deposit purse 2.0”, to which bank payment cards areissued;
    •  of the current (settlement) account, to which bank payment cards Visa Platinum areissued.
    From 01.04.2016 onwards the interest rate under the mentioned above agreements will be:
    •  2 % per annum - under accounts in Belarusian rubles,
    •  0,1 % per annum – under accounts in foreign currency.

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