Temporary changes in working hours of certain branch offices in JSC Belagroprombank
Dear customers,
Due to the scheduled restructuring of Belagroprombank’s branch office - Minsk City Directorate (further – MCD), please be informed about the temporary changes in the working hours at certain branch offices in Minsk.
1. On 04.11.2016 the services for individual customers, corporate customers and individual entrepreneurs at the Head Office’s Operations Department will be available from 09-00 till 12-00. Cashless payments by corporate customers and individual entrepreneurs using remote bank services system will be carried out as usual.
2. On 04.11.2016 the transactions on individual customers’ accounts (deposit, current) opened at the Head Office’s Operations Department, the transactions on the savings certificates and bearer bonds acquired at the Head Office’s Operations Department, and the transactions on loan repayments for loans issued by the Head Office’s Operations Department will be performed at the Head Office’s Operations Department.
3. During the period from 23-00 03.11.2016 to 08-30 08.11.2016 it will not be possible to place new “@gro” deposits and to top up deposit accounts using self-service facilities (info kiosks, cash machines) and remote bank services (Internet-Banking, TV-banking, mobile applications).
4. During the period from 23-45 03.11.2016 to 08-30 08.11.2016 it will not be possible to perform transactions on loan repayments for loan agreements issued by the Head Office’s Operations Department using the bank’s terminal equipment, Internet-Banking, TV-banking, mobile applications, etc.
5. During the period from 05.11.2016 to 07.11.2016 no transactions will be performed at the Head Office’s Operations Department.