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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Disclosure of information on the securities market

    Annual reports of the bank, auditor's report on individual accounting (financial) statements

    Information on transactions made by the bank with 5 and more percent of ordinary (common) shares of its own issue

    Information about the formation of the register of owners of securities, payment of income on bonds.

    Information on the execution of transactions in relation to which there is an interest of the bank's affiliates

    Information on the reorganization or liquidation of the bank, as well as on the reorganization or liquidation of subsidiary and dependent business entities of the bank

    Information on the issuance of securities by the bank, suspension, resumption, prohibition of the issue, recognition of the issue as canceled, cancellation of the issue (part of the issue) of securities

    Information on the holding of a general meeting of shareholders of the bank, as well as on decisions adopted by the general meeting of shareholders of the bank

    Information about the execution of a major transaction

    Information on the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings against a bank

    Information on the termination of bankruptcy proceedings against a bank

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