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    Internet-Banking 136 call your bank
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    Extending the validity period of bank cards

    Dear cardholders of JSC Belagroprombank!


    For your convenience, the bank has decided to automatically extend the validity period of cards that expire from June 2022 onwards, with the exception of:

    • credit cards,
    • student cards,
    • deposit cards,
    • virtual cards,
    • additional (issued to another person) cards,
    • corporate cards,
    • non-personalized cards of the international payment system VISA,
    • Mastercard Standard and Mastercard Gold cards,
    • cards, for which there have been no transactions for 6 months preceding the month of expiration of the card.


    Thus, there is no need to reissue such cards, and you will be able to use your card even after the expiration date indicated on it.

    Please note that when paying for purchases in online stores and filling out the details, you must enter the month and year indicated on the card.

    Transactions made using automatically renewed cards abroad may be rejected by foreign banks. To carry out transactions on foreign resources, we recommend you to issue a free virtual card in the mobile application of JSC Belagroprombank.

    To make transactions abroad, we recommend using cards that have not expired. If you do not have such a card, please contact the bank to obtain valid one.

    The SMS notification service for transactions using cards with an extended validity period is automatically extended by the bank.

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