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    Internet-Banking 136 call your bank
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    Most convenient (fastest) ways to replenish a debit card:

    In the remote banking systems of the bank (Internet Banking, Mobile Internet Banking) and self-service terminals fr om their other cards (free of charge), from cards of other persons (with a commission). This type of transfers is available only between cards, issued by Belagroprombank.

    In the remote servicing systems of other banks (with the exception of credit cards) through the “Settlement” system (SSIS (Single Settlement and Information Space)). To do this, sel ect the Belagroprombank service “Payment Card Replenishment” in the SSIS section and enter the last 12 digits of the IBAN account and the last 4 digits of the card number (this information can be found in the Belagroprombank mobile application in the “Cards” section or contact the bank employees to clarify this information).

    In cash through ATMs and self-service terminals of Belagroprombank, equipped with a cash-in module, the card must be active, the physical presence of the card is required, the operation is performed without paying a commission.

    At cash points of any Belagroprom branch, you must have a card with you, the card must be active.

    In online transfer systems, for example, www.card2card.by and similar (can also be called p2p, person-to-person, Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Money Transfer, Visa Personal Payments, Visa Direct) fr om cards of any banks allowed by these systems.

    The card can be replenished by crediting funds to an account in a branch of Belagroprombank. To complete the transaction, the account holder must present an identity document. Furthermore, the account can be replenished by another person. To perform the transaction, an individual presents an identity document to an employee of the branch, indicates the full name of the person in whose name the account is opened, the account number or the client’s account number in the IBAN format, which must be replenished. However, in this case, the funds on the card will not be available immediately, but during a business day or no later than the next business day).

    Replenishment by wireless money transfer to the account (bank transfer). To perform the transaction, you need to know the name, code and UNP (payer’s identification number) of the bank, as well as the account number to which the card is issued, in the IBAN format and the full name of the owner (recipient). This method is the longest one (it may take several business days).

    Ways of debt (unsettled balance) repayment on the account:

    • by cashless transfer of funds;
    • by depositing cash to the cash office of the Bank;
    • in self-service devices of the Bank;
    • in the “Internet Banking” system.

    The repayment of the amount of the unsettled balance of the client’s debt is carried out in the manner prescribed by the account agreement (loan agreement), within a period not exceeding 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of its posting in the accounting for the relevant accounts.

    In case of repayment of the amount of debt within the specified period, the Bank does not charge interest for the use of the amount of the outstanding balance of the debt.

    The most convenient way to repay an overdraft (including technical, when the card is blocked).

    In the Internet Banking system in the “Payment for Services” menu, select “Bank Services” / “Overdraft Repayment” / the bank branch wh ere the account is opened / “Overdraft Repayment” in the appropriate currency and enter the password (the last three digits of the passport number ). This service is available for holders of debit bank payment cards.

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