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    Belkart Maximum

    Belkart Maximum package "Premium" - a premium-level payment instrument from Belkart . The combination of the privileges provided by the payment system with the bank’s own developments makes Belkart Maximum special.

    • money-back 1%
    • SMS notification for free
    • premium services abroad
    • premium services at RUE "National Airport Minsk"
    • discount program

    Belkart Maximum package "Premium" - a premium-level payment instrument . The combination of privileges provided by the Belkart payment system and the bank makes the Belkart Maximum card special.


    Account currency BYN/USD/EUR/RUB
    Card validity period 6 years
    Card issue fee 15 BYN (when issued in a bank division, through remote sales channels)
    10 BYN (when issued in RBSS)
    Monthly subscription fee 10 BYN
    Money-back In the amount of 1% of the amount of non-cash payment for goods using a Belkart Maximum bank payment card in trade (service) organizations. More details on the conditions for calculating Money-back can be found here .
    Banking services Transfer without charging a fee from card to card of JSC Belagroprombank  in on-line mode (Person-to-Person) at self-service devices and remote banking systems of JSC Belagroprombank, with the exception of transfers by phone number
    Insurance from  "Belgosstrakh "

    from accidents and illnesses during a trip abroad

    This insurance is valid for 3 years and applies to all countries of the world.
    The total duration of stay abroad is up to 90 days. Insurance coverage – 55,000 euros.

     Find out more about the bank's tariffs you can here .

    Offers and promotions valid for all cardholders can be found here.

    Business lounges

    Belkart Maximum cardholders have a unique opportunity to visit more than 350 business lounges around the world , including railway stations outside the Republic of Belarus. A detailed list of business lounges can be found in the MILE•ON•AIR mobile application (in the location button in the upper left corner) and on the website mileonair.com .

    Bank’s Belcard Maximum holders have 1 visit to access to the luxury lounge at the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Airport Minsk" and 1 visit to the luxury lounges either at airports or railway stations outside Belarus per calendar year without charging a fee.

    To visit business lounges around the world, you must install the MILE•ON•AIR mobile application.

    Concierge service

    24/7 information support service. To use the services, you must read the agreement and confirm your consent to the processing of personal data using the link .

    List of available services:

    • travel assistance,
    • leisure organization,
    • business services,
    • pet care,
    • information support,
    • help around the house,
    • medical and legal assistance,
    • organization of roadside assistance.

    You can find detailed information on the  Belkart website .

    Method of receiving services:

    • transfer to/from Minsk - RUE "National Airport Minsk" with a 25% discount ;
    • organization of transfer abroad (payment at full rate).

    How to receive the service: 

    • by phone 24 hours a day +375445030303;
    • in messengers (Viber , WhatsApp , Telegram) by phone +375445030303 ;

    by email:  info@iconcierge.by .

    Services at the Minsk National Airport
    • free priority service at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Airport Minsk” for visiting business lounges;
    • Priority check-in for Belavia passengers ;
    • priority pre-flight inspection (Fast Track),
    • 1 free luggage wrap per year.

    Important! Services provided at the RUE "National Airport Minsk" are considered provided from the moment the Belcard Maximum cardholder is issued a receipt(s), regardless of the actual use by the cardholder of the selected services (for example, if the cardholder received a receipt for the service, did not use the service for various reasons (changed my mind, didn’t have time to use it, chose Fast Track, but went through general inspection, lost a receipt, etc.), then the service is considered provided.

    Loyalty program the Belkart Maximum Premium card participate in the Sfera Belkart .
    Discounts in trade (service) organizations A set of offers where you can get a discount when paying for goods and services using the Belkart  Maximum card.
    How to use the MILE•ON•AIR service

    1. Install the MILE•ON•AIR mobile application (available for download in AppStore, PlayMarket, AppGallery) and register.

    QR code for downloading the  MILE•ON•AIR application

    2.  Enter your phone number (which was specified when you issued the card at the bank)

    3.  Enter the received SMS code

    4.  Enter First Name, Last Name and Email Address

    5. Create a PIN code for login (it is possible to activate biometric login if the function is available on your phone).

    6. The app opens a menu with a choice of location, offering the nearest airport. It can be changed in the upper left corner.

    7. In the main menu press «Привилегии» – you will see the card and available visits (the number next to the «·ON·PASS»).

    8. In the main menu choose «Бизнес-залы» – you will see business lounges available at the airport.

    9. Press «Использовать привилегии» – you will see the QR-code that you need to present at the counter in the business lounge. You can save this QR-code in your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet for offline access.

    How to use priority service (check-in, Fast Track , luggage wrap)

    1 At the information desk on the 3rd floor, tell the airport employee:

    • about availability of a Belkart Maximum premium card;
    • your flight number;
    • desired services and their quantity.

    2 Attach your Belcard Maximum/ Belcard card Pay to the terminal.

    3 The airport employee will issue a receipt for each service and tell you how to use them. To receive services, present your receipt to the airport employee for luggage wrap at the business counter and to the employee at the security checkpoint.

    How to get to the business lounge at the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Airport Minsk"

    To the airport employee at the entrance to the business lounge:

    1. Report the availability of the Belkart Maximum premium card.
    2. Show your passport and boarding pass.
    3. Attach your Belcard Maximum/ Belcard card Pay to the terminal.
    4. Receive a receipt for the service.
    5. Wait for your flight in comfortable conditions.

    Available card transactions in the app

    • Make payments
    • Transfer money
    • Change PIN
    Download for iOS Download for Android
    Available card transactions in the app

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