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    JSC Belagroprombank,
    being an agent bank that has entered into an agency contract with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, will begin placing the eighth issue of government long-term bearer bonds denominated in foreign currency on March 25, 2025.

    Information on the eighth issue of government bearer bonds denominated in foreign currency:

    Series, Issue No. Par value Rate Interest payment terms Repayment start date Early redemption
    AI8 1 000 USD 2,7% per annum
    • for the first interest period from March 25, 2026;
    • for the second interest period from March 25, 2027
    March 25, 2027 not provided


    We offer the service of open bank custody on the eighth issue of government long-term bearer bonds denominated in foreign currency. Bonds can be accepted for open bank storage for the entire term of circulation, and upon expiration of the term of the Safekeeping Document, returned unchanged.

    You can get more detailed information on government bearer bonds in the Bank's Contact Center by phone number - 136.


    The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus

    announces the placement of state registered bonds of issue 337 VGDO in the trading system of the open joint-stock company «Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange» in the period from March 13, 2025 to August 28, 2025.

    JSC Belagroprombank buys and sells currency long-term government bonds during the period of their circulation 27.03.2025*:

    № Series Denomination currency Yield to maturity, % per annum** Maturity date
    250 USD -  22.05.2025
    253 USD -  06.05.2026
    254 EUR -  28.11.2025
    257 EUR -  05.05.2025
    262 EUR -  16.02.2026
    263 USD -  16.02.2026
    264 USD -  14.05.2026
    265 USD -  12.01.2027
    266 USD -  11.02.2028
    269 USD -  15.05.2025
    271 USD - 10.02.2028
    286 RUB 9,8 23.12.2026
    293 RUB -  12.12.2025
    297 RUB -  06.03.2026
    298 USD -  06.03.2026
    300 USD - 24.03.2027
    307 CNY - 24.08.2028
    315 USD - 14.03.2028
    320 USD - 14.03.2028
    323 USD - 15.05.2029
    326 USD - 27.08.2029
    329 USD - 14.12.2029
    331 USD 7,48 29.06.2027
    334 USD 8 24.02.2026
    335 USD 8 24.02.2031
    336 USD 8 28.03.2030
    337*** USD 2,9 06.03.2031

    * Information is updated daily during the working week.

    ** The sale price of bonds is determined based on the calculation of the specified yield to maturity of bonds. The said bond issues are sold on the stock exchange by other market participants (the bank acts as a broker).

    *** The number of unplaced bonds VGDO 337 at the end of the trading day 03.26.202520 034 pieces

    Instruments available for trading in the system of the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange" (with a 15-minute delay)

    The Republic of Belarus bears unconditional obligations to service and repay the state debt of the Republic of Belarus. The state debt of the Republic of Belarus is fully secured by the funds of the republican budget and other property owned by the republic. Payments for servicing and repayment of the state debt of the Republic of Belarus are of priority in relation to other payments in the execution of the republican budget. (paragraphs 3,6 of article 57 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus dated 16.07.2008 No. 412-3 "Budget Code of the Republic of Belarus").

    Placement, redemption (early redemption) of government bonds, including through the issuance of new bonds, and payment of income on them is carried out in the currency in which their nominal value is expressed. (paragraph 6 of Chapter 1 of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing, circulation and redemption of government bonds of the Republic of Belarus placed on the domestic financial market, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 722 dated 28.09.2017).

    Income of payers received on government securities of the Republic of Belarus is exempt from personal income tax. (Paragraph 2 of paragraph 33 of Article 208 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2009 No. 71-Z “Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus (Special Part)).

    To purchase bonds, one should:

    • open a current (settlement) account in JSC Belagroprombank or any other bank of the Republic of Belarus in the currency of the transaction;
    • open a “depo” account (for securities account) with a bank's depository (or another authorized depository of the Republic of Belarus) by concluding an agreement on depositary services;
    • conclude an appropriate agreement for the purchase of bonds with the bank (contract for brokerage services or purchase and sale agreement).

    In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Instruction on the requirements for the conditions and procedure for the implementation of professional activities in securities, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated August 31, 2016 No. 76 "On the regulation of the securities market", we disclose the  local legal act governing the conditions and procedure for performing work and providing services by a broker.

    You can find more detailed information on government long-term bonds on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus: http://minfin.gov.by, and also get by phone +37544 715 33 25 , 8(017) 229 64 18.

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