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    Deposit "Plus VIP" in Belarusian rubles

    Fixed-term irrevocable bank Deposit "Plus VIP" in Belarusian rubles

    • Deposit currency BYN
    • Deposit type Irrevocable
    • Amount 100 000
    • Type of bank deposi Fixed-term irrevocable
    • Currency of deposit Belarusian rubles
    • Method of opening a deposit At a bank branch
    • Deposit tenor 95, 185, 370, 735 calendar days
    • Minimum initial deposit 100,000 Belarusian rubles

    Deposit replenishment:

    • storage period of 95 calendar days – available on the day of conclusion of the contract and the following 59 calendar days;
    • storage period of 185 calendar days – available on the day of conclusion of the contract and the following 149 calendar days;
    • storage period of 370 calendar days – available on the day of conclusion of the contract and the following 334 calendar days;
    • storage period of 735 calendar days – available on the day of conclusion of the contract and the following 699 calendar days;
    • Interest on the deposit is accrued twice a month
    • Interest on the deposit is paid: 
      • by adding to the amount of the deposit (capitalization);
      • by bank transfer to the account specified in the application.
    •  Partial withdrawal of the deposit amount - Not provided, with the exception of capitalized and unclaimed interest amounts
    • Early termination of a deposit – Not provided
    • Possibility of concluding a deposit in the name of another person – Not provided
    • Return of the deposit upon expiration of the storage period and the interest due on it:
      •  is carried out in the deposit currency by transferring to the current account specified by the client when opening the deposit or to the current account specified by the client in the application
      • on the day of the specified transfer, the account for recording the deposit is closed.

    Interest rate, subject to tenor % per annum from 18.03.2025

    Deposit currency

    Maturity interest rate, % per annum
    95 days 185 days 370 days 735 days
    Belarusian rubles 11.80 12.10 14.70 13.10
    Interest Rates Archive


    Interest rate, subject to tenor % per annum from 14.02.2025

    Deposit currency

    Maturity interest rate, % per annum
    95 days 185 days 370 days 735 days
    Belarusian rubles 10.80 11.80 14.70 13.10

    Deposit currency

    Maturity interest rate, % per annum
    95 days 185 days 370 days 735 days
    Belarusian rubles 10.80 11.80 14.10 13.10

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