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    REGULATIONS regarding the processing of cookies at JSC Belagroprombank


    regarding the processing of cookies in JSC Belagroprombank



    1.  These Regulations regarding the processing of cookies in JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) are a technical local legal act that defines the policies and procedures of the Open Joint Stock Company Belagroprombank (UNP 100693551), registered at the address: 220036, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Zhukova Ave., 3 (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) , regarding the processing of cookies by the Operator on the official website https://www.belapb.by, as well as other sites owned by the Operator (https://hr.belapb.by, ibank.belapb.by, i25-client.belapb.by, market.belapb.by, https://etp.belapb.by).

    2.  The Regulations were developed in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 05/07/2021 No. 99-3 “On the Protection of Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), other acts of legislation, as well as local legal acts of the Operator.

    3. For the purposes of these Regulations, terms are used with the following meanings:

    Cookies are text files saved in the browser of a website user’s computer (mobile device) when he visits the website to reflect the actions he has taken. In addition, they may contain information about the user’s equipment, date and time of the session, etc.:

    • official website – https://www.belapb.by ;
    • website – an information resource of the Operator on the global computer network Internet;
    • site user - a subject of personal data who uses the site in accordance with its functional purpose.

    4. The objectives of these Regulations are:

    • informing the site user about the cookies used and automatically created on the site user’s device;
    • site user notification about the purposes of the Operator’s use of cookies, their storage periods and the procedure for working with them;
    • ensuring proper protection of the personal data of the site user by explaining the essence of cookie technology;
    • informing the site user about his rights within the framework of the Operator's use of cookie technology.

    5. These Regulations apply to the Operator’s actions related to the processing of information from cookies, including collection, systematization, storage, modification, use, depersonalization, blocking, provision, and deletion.

    6.  The processing of information from cookies is carried out by the Operator using automation tools.

    7.  Each site user can at any time familiarize themselves with these Regulations, which are constantly available on the official website of the Operator.

    8.  The site user can contact the Operator on issues related to the use of cookies by sending an email to info@belapb.by.



    9. The operator uses cookies to achieve the following purposes:

    • creation of anonymized site user identifiers necessary for subsequent recognition of the browser and/or device each time a site user enters the site, saving screen and browser settings, etc.;
    • analyzing site traffic, the effectiveness of the content used, displaying information and advertising messages, maintaining statistics and researching the site’s audience;
    • saving information about the actions of the site user while using the site;
    • proper functioning of the site and the services provided on it, the operation of sections and pages of the site where the use of cookies is necessary;
    • improving the interaction between the site and the site user, increasing the site user’s convenience when using the site.

    10. Using cookies, the Operator can collect the following information about the site user:

    • date and time of visiting the site, carrying out any actions on the site, the number of clicks made, as well as the geography of the site user’s location;
    • history of searches and requests, addresses of requested pages and viewing information on the site, including advertising;
    • data about the operating system and Internet provider of the site user;
    • information about the geolocation of the site user’s device, browser type, hardware and software of the site user’s device from which the site was accessed.



    11. The operator may use the following types of cookies:

    • functional – allow an individual experience of using the site and are installed in response to the actions of the site user. Thanks to them, the settings that the site user makes while working with the site are saved;
    • statistical - allow you to store the history of visits to website pages in order to improve the quality of its functioning. Such files collect information about the way the site user interacts with the site, and also save other statistical parameters related to visiting the site;
    • mandatory – this type of cookies is required to ensure the correct operation of the site .

    12. Depending on their ownership, cookies are divided into:

    • first-party – files created when using the site and managed by the Operators;
    • third -party – files created by software modules of third-party developers (not included in the information resource owned and not managed by the Operator).

    13. Depending on their storage period, cookies are divided into:

    • session files – files that are stored temporarily until the site user closes the browser;
    • permanent – files that are stored even after the browser is closed, until the user prohibits their storage through the settings of the browser he is using. Permanent cookies can store user preferences, allowing them to be used in future sessions with the site and allowing the site visitor to be identified as a unique user.

    14. All websites owned by the Operator may use third-party cookies. First-party cookies are used only on the official website of the bank https://www.belapb.by. Details of the use of first-party cookies (name, type, purpose, storage period) is set out on the official website page “Description and settings of cookies”.



    15. The operator places these Regulations on the official website, as well as in a pop-up information banner information about the first-party cookies used and invites the site user on his first visit, to agree or refuse their use by clicking the “Accept all” or “Reject all” buttons. On the official site user can choose which specific essential cookies will be used by clicking the “Customize” button.

    16. The use of mandatory cookies cannot be disabled because they are necessary to ensure the smooth and correct operation of the site.

    17. The site user can change the settings for the use of first -party cookies by clicking on the link “Description and settings of cookies ". The site user can also refuse the use of first-party cookies by manually changing the configuration settings of the browser used to visit the site.

    18.  To revoke consent to the use of all types of cookies, the site user must either click the “Reject all” button on the information banner that pops up on the site, or follow the link “Description and settings of cookies " and select which cookies will not be used.

    19. Refusal to give consent or withdrawal of consent to the use of cookies entails the use of only mandatory cookies that are required for the correct operation of the site, as well as the use of only those functional and statistical cookies that were selected by the site user on the site during the setting process.



    20. To disable cookies, it is necessary to change the browser settings on the site user's device.

    21. The site user can delete previously saved cookies by selecting the appropriate option in the browser history.

    22.  For more detailed cookies control it is recommended to use the instructions provided by the developers of the browser used by the user.



    23.  Site users have the right:

    23.1.  to withdraw their consent in a form similar to when giving such consent;

    23.2.  to receive information regarding the processing of personal data;

    23.3.  to receive from the Operator information about providing personal data to third parties once a calendar year free of charge, unless otherwise provided by the Law and other legislative acts;

    23.4.  to demand from the Operator a free termination of the processing of personal data, including its deletion, in the absence of grounds for the processing of personal data provided for by the Law and other legislative acts;

    23.5.  to appeal actions (inaction) and decisions of the Operator that violate his rights when processing personal data to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects in the manner established by the legislation on appeals from citizens and legal entities.

    The decision made by the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects can be appealed by the personal data subject to the court in the manner prescribed by law.

    24.  To exercise the rights specified in paragraph 23 of these Regulations, the site user submits an application to the Operator in writing or in the form of an electronic document in Portable format Document Format (PDF/A1 or PDF/A2).



    25. All issues related to the processing of personal data by using cookies that are not reflected in these Regulations are regulated by other local legal acts of the Operator, as well as legislation.

    26.  The Operator has the right to change and (or) supplement these Regulations unilaterally without prior and (or) subsequent notification to site users.

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    We use Cookie

    Cookies are used to collect information to improve the performance of the site. You can accept or refuse cookies or customize them. By clicking “Accept all”, you consent to the processing of cookies in accordance with the Policy regarding the processing of cookies at JSC Belagroprombank.
