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    Working hours of the Contact Center
    • Mo
    • Tu
    • We
    • Th
    • Fr
    • Sa
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Currency exchange operations on an individual rate

    An individual (special) exchange rate is offered by JSC Belagroprombank for currency exchange operations in the amount of 1,000 base units and more!

    The offer is valid for individuals when buying, selling, converting (exchanging)

    To clarify the possibility of conducting a currency exchange transaction at an individual (special) rate, you must contact the regional departments of the Bank at the indicated phone numbers (Monday-Thursday: from 09:00 to 17:00; Friday: from 09:00 to 16:00) taking into account the established technical breaks (lunch):






    Regional directorate for the BREST region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 0162 27 72 15
    8 0162 27 72 32

    Regional Directorate for the VITEBSK region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 0212 26 54 35
    8 0212 35 00 29

    Regional directorate for the GOMEL region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 0232 79 26 48
    8 0232 79 27 12

    Regional Directorate for the GRODNO region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 0152 79 50 65
    8 0152 79 50 63

    Regional directorate for the city of MINSK and the MINSK region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 017 309 36 61
    8 017 309 36 11

    Regional Directorate for the MOGILEV region of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 0222 29 38 14
    8 0222 29 37 92

    Central client-office of JSC Belagroprombank

    8 017 218 56 92
    8 017 229 61 44

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