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    Pay for purchases with your smartphone using Belkart Pay

    Belkart Pay
    is a mobile application from the Belkart payment system for contactless payment using a smartphone. You can pay Belkart Pay in all terminals where Belkart contactless cards are accepted.

    Basic technical requirements for a mobile device: Android OS 6.0 and above, NFC module.


    Belkart Pay - Fast, Convenient and Safe.

    Fast – faster and easier than cards and cash

    Convenient – add a card in one move

    Safe – built-in security and privacy features


    How to use

    Add a card

    Step 1.  On the main page of the Belkart application, click the "+" icon in the upper right corner of the screen or on the card itself

    Step 2.  Enter Belkart card details. Entering Belkart card details is possible in several ways:

    After entering all the data, you must click Save 

    Step 3.  Read and agree to the terms of use of the Belkart application. To do this, click "Agree". If the client clicks "Refuse" - the use of the Belkart
     application will be impossible.

    Step 4.  Enter the code from the SMS message and click "Send". Your card has been added and you can make payments.

    Payment Methods

    Payment with card selection 


    Payment without choosing a card


    If the Belkart application is installed as the main application (this can be done in the settings), then to make a payment it is enough:

    • to attach the device to the terminal
    • to confirm the operation.

    In this case, payment is made from the card that is set as the main card, added last, or with which the last payment operation was performed (in the absence of the “main card” mark).

    Payment confirmation  

    Upon successful payment, you:

    • you will see the "Processing operation" icon
    • the result of a successful operation will be displayed on the terminal screen, and in the application you will see the operation in the transaction history under the card

    Additional functionality

    To get access to additional functionality, the client should:

    • click «Map settings»
    • after making any changes, you must click Save to apply them or  go back to cancel the changes.

    Additional functionality includes the following features:

    • choice of design and color of the card from those offered in the application,
    • card renaming,
    • appointment of the card as the main one (for this you need to switch),
    • deleting a card.


    In Belkart Pay, you can view your card balance by clicking on the button next to «Request Balance».

    Frequently asked questions

    What cards can be added to the Belkart Pay application?
    • Belkart,
    • Belkart PREMIUM,
    • Belkart corporate,
    • Belkart Premium Maestro,
    • Belkart «Unreal card»,
    • Belkart Maximum.
    What operations are available using the Belkart Pay mobile application?

    Using the Belkart Pay mobile application, the following operations are available:

    • contactless payment in trade and service organizations;
    • cash withdrawals from ATMs and bank terminals that support contactless transactions (except for transactions with non-real Belkart cards);
    • payment for services at bank terminals that support contactless transactions;
    • viewing the balance at ATMs and bank terminals that support contactless transactions (except for transactions with non-real Belkart cards).
    What should I do if I forgot my app PIN?

    If biometrics is not used, then in order to secure unauthorized use of the device for making payments, PIN code recovery is not provided, it is necessary to reset, as a result of which all data, including added cards in the application, will be deleted.

    What should I do if the card has been reissued?

    Delete the old card and add the reissued card.

    The card is not added to the application. What to do?

    Check that you are adding a Belkart  Pay
    card issued by a bank participating in the service.

    If the card is supported, contact the bank and check if there are restrictions on using this card in the service. If there are no restrictions, but the error repeats, contact the Bank Processing Center by phone (017) 299-25-25.

    Is an internet connection required to use the Belkart Pay application?

    Internet connection is required only for adding a card to the application. For payment at payment terminals in retail outlets, the Internet on the device is not needed (up to 30 transactions).

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