License and status
JSC Belagroprombank is a commercial legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The bank was registered on 03.09.1991 (letter of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated 03.09.1991 No. 03005/184).
The bank's identification code in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs is 100693551.
In accordance with the decree of the Government and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 849/7 dated June 18, 2008 JSC Belagroprombank is a bank authorized to service government programs.
OJSC Belagroprombank is the parent organization of the banking holding company.
JSC "Belagroprombank" operates on the basis of the following licenses:
License for banking activities of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 2 dated January 17, 2024.
Issued for the following banking operations:
1. raising funds from individuals and legal entities to accounts and deposits;
2. placement of raised funds from individuals and legal entities to accounts and deposits on their own behalf and at their own expense on terms of repayment, interest payment and maturity (including provision of loans);
3. opening and keeping bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
4. opening and keeping accounts in precious metals;
5. provision of settlement and cash services to individuals and legal entities, including respondent banks;
6. currency exchange operations;
7. purchase and sale of precious metals and precious stones in cases provided by the National Bank;
8. attraction and placement of precious metals into deposits of individuals and legal entities;
9. issuance of bank guarantees and other operations with bank guarantees;
10. trust management of the bank management fund under trust management agreement of the bank management fund;
11. trust management of funds under the trust management agreement;
12. issuance of bank payment cards and other payment instruments requiring the opening and keeping accounts and settlement transactions for payments accepted when using such payment instruments;
13. issuance of securities confirming raising funds to deposits and their placement on accounts;
14. financing against the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring);
15. providing individuals and legal entities with special premises or safes located in them for the bank storage of documents and valuables (cash, securities, precious metals and precious stones, etc.);
16. settlement transactions.
JSC Belagroprombank operates in the securities market on the basis of a license for professional and exchange activities on securities. The license was garanted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus on June 29, 1995, license number in the Unified Register of Licenses 39200000016267.
Components of work and services:
- brokerage activities;
- dealer activity;
- depository activities;
- activities on trust management of securities.