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    Fee guide

    27. Service package "SELF MADE" for corporate clients 
    Operation Service package / fee rate Payment due date
    Start Business
      User fee for the service package X BYN 50,00 per month On a month of client's connection to the service package – on the date of connection to the service package, no later than the last business day of the current month. In the subsequent months – before the tenth day of the current month, no later than the last business day of the current month 
    1. Opening accounts, performing payments, support of payment operations      
    1.1. Opening  bank accounts in Belarusian rubles (based on the application of a resident client) Included into the package Included into the package  
    1.2. Opening bank accounts in foreign currency (based on the application of a resident client)  Included into the package Included into the package  
    1.3. Attesting the signature of persons authorized to sign payment documents and seal impression by business entities on the specimen signature and seal card   Included into the package Included into the package  
    1.4. Bank transfer in Belarusian rubles (including instant payment*) on the basis of the payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including using AIS MOF**):        
    1.4.1. • included into the service package in the systems of interbank payments -
    100 per month
    intrabank payments -  without restrictions
    in the systems of interbank payments -
    100 per month,
     intrabank payments -  without restrictions
    1.4.2. • over the limit of the service package in the systems of interbank payments 
    BYN 1,75
    (per 1 transfer),
    intrabank payments -  without restrictions
    in the systems of interbank payments 
    BYN 1,75
    (per 1 transfer),
    intrabank payments -  without restrictions
    On the date of operation, no later than the last business day of the current month       
    1.5. Issuance of certificates to clients (on availability of accounts held with the bank, on funds flow on customer accounts, on the balance  as of a particular date, on persons authorized to manage the account, on presence of debts on active bank operations and etc.)      1 certificate per month 1 certificate per month  
    1.6. Acceptance of cash in Belarusian rubles from customers of JSC Belagroprombank for crediting (transfering) into their current (settlement) and other accounts opened with JSC Belagroprombank:           
    1.6.1. •  through a cash desk of  JSC Belagroprombank Included into the package 0,15 % of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last business day of the current month   
    1.6.2. •  through self-service devices of JSC Belagroprombank equipped with a cash acceptance module  (self-service payment terminal, ATM) Included into the package Included into the package  
    1.6.3. • through an automatic deposit machine Included into the package 0,1% of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last business day of the current month   
    1.7. Advance of cash in Belarusian rubles from accounts of the customer 2,0% of the amount 2,0%  of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last business day of the current month   
    2. Remote banking service (including in the multi-user workplace mode)        
    2.1. User fee for the use of the Internet-Client subsystem of the remote banking system   Included into the package Included into the package  
    2.2. Registration, set-up and connection  to the subsystem "Internet-Client" of the RBS system, providing the client with a machine-readable carrier  for record and storage of personal EDS keys and encryption keys.                                                           Included into the package Included into the package  
    3. Operations with corporate bank payment cards       
    3.1. Servicing of corporate bank payment cards (including issue and reissue) issued by JSC Belagroprombank (with the exception of an urgent issue) The package includes:
    -  1  Business card of an international payment system;
    -  unlimited number of corporate BELCARD payment cards
    The package includes:
    -  1  Business card of an international payment system;
    -  unlimited number of corporate BELCARD payment cards
    3.2. Provision of the SMS notification service of the XL package (for corporate bank payment cards issued (reissued) within the service package)        Included into the package Included into the package  
    4. Remote notifications about the operations, decisions made, events within the framework of a bank account agreement
    (Viber / SMS/e-mail) 
    Included into the package Included into the package  
    5 Salary service      
    5.1 Crediting and payment of salary and other payoffs into current (settlement) accounts to which bank cards are issued, under contracts concluded with clients within the framework of the line of service package "SELF MADE":     0,5% of the amount credited 0,5% of the amount credited On the date of operation, no later than the last business day of the current month   
    6 Acquiring:      
    6.1. Internet Acquiring:        
    6.1.1. • web-site connection under an agreement under an agreement Upon transfering funds to the merchant under the operations made with bank payment cards 
    6.1.2. • client connection (web-ste not available)  through the 1pay.by service, trade using  QR-code  under an agreement under an agreement Upon transfering funds to the merchant under the operations made with bank payment cards 
    6.1.3. • when the web-site is developed by JSC Belagroprombank's partner  under an agreement under an agreement Upon transfering funds to the merchant under the operations made with bank payment cards 
    6.2. When terminal equipment is purchased using own funds  under an agreement under an agreement Upon transfering funds to the merchant under the operations made with bank payment cards 
    7 Transition to another service package (as per the client's request), or disconnection of the service package as per the client's request (within 12 months of servicing under the "SELF MADE" service package) BYN 150,00 BYN 150,00 At the moment of operation
       * JSC Belagroprombank:
             - performs instant payments transferred by the client using only the subsystem "Internet-Client" of the remote banking system;
              - does not make instant payments:
              from current (settlement) bank accounts of the client to which the bank payment card is issued;
              from accounts of the organization which is in a stage of liquidation (termination of activity), bankruptcy;
              on transfer with sale of foreign currency (transfer of equivalent of Belarusian rubles);
              as part of a standing payment order.
       **AIS MOF is Automated Information System on Monetary Obligations Fulfillment
    1.The regulations for provision and usage of the "SELF MADE" for corporate clients of JSC Belagroprombank  (hereinafter - "the Regulations") set forth the procedure for provision and usage of service packages by corporate clients (except for horticultural societies) (hereinafter “the clients”).
    The "SELF MADE" service package for corporate clients (hereinafter - "the service package") is a set of banking services provided to the clients of JSC Belagroprombank under the agreement on a current (settlement) bank account  in Belarusian rubles under the client's request (free form) for connection to the service package/ change of the service package  (hereinafter - "the request"),or upon the request for bank account opening (including the request for integrated banking service).The request may be submitted via the remote bank service systems (hereinafter - "RBSS"). 
    2. The service packages are an integral part of the Fee Guide for the transactions performed by JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter – the Fee Guide) and determine the procedure for remuneration for services rendered to the clients.  
    3. The service package is offered to clients who have been operating for less than 12 months from the date of registration (by the registration authority performing state registration), provided that such clients:
       - are not clients of the Bank (based on documents for opening a current (settlement) bank account with connection to a servicepackage);
       - are customers of the Bank and do not have a current (settlement) bank account with the Bank (based on documents for opening a current (settlement) bank account with connection to a service package);
       - are customers of the Bank and have (a) current (settlement) bank account(s) with the Bank (based on the Request).
    4. The following bank accounts in Belarusian rubles held with JSC Belagroprombank will be connected to one service package.
    - current (settlement) bank accounts (including special accounts, subaccounts, and accounts to which corporate payment cards are issued),
         - charity accounts,
         - trust management account.
    Budget funds accumulation accounts of clients shall not be connected to the service packages.
    The  service package includes services for opening all bank accounts (in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency) on the basis of the application of the resident client.
    The user fee shall be paid by the client for the service package irrespective of the number of the client’s accounts serviced under this service package. The list of the service package remains unchanged if more accounts are added to the service package (the number of operations in the service package shall not increase). 
    5. The client is serviced under one service package.
    In case the client's structural divisions are serviced at the Bank branches having own UNP, the structural division shall connect to a separate service package (provided the client's structural division has RBSS).
    6. In order to be connected to the service package, it is a mandatory requirement for new clients to sign an agreement with JSC Belagroprombank on usage of the subsystem "Internet-Client" of RBSS. From the moment of connection to the service package, clients have access to the FM "Marketplace" in the "Internet - Client" subsystem of the RBSS.
    7. The date of connection to the service package is:
    for new clients- the date of opening of the first current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles;
    for existing clients serviced by the Bank - the first day of the month following the date of sumbission of the request by the client.
    8. The Bank will not connect the client to the service package (including transition from one package to another package within BUSINESS STYLE service package), if the client at the time of connection to the service package (transition to another package within BUSINESS STYLE service package) has a current or overdue debt for payment of remuneration (fee) for cash desk services in the Bank. 
    9. The service package inlcudes Start and Business packages.
    The list of the service package remains unchanged if more accounts are added to the service package (the number of operations in the service package is not increased).
    In case of the first-time requests of the clients specified in clause 3 of the Regulations (except for clients who are serviced (or who used to be serviced) under the DEBUT package of the BUSINESS STYLE service package) the Bank connects the client to the Start package.
    As part of the Start package, a grace period (3 months) is provided and no user fee for this package is charged.
    When a client connects to the Start package, the period of service under the service package is at least 12 months (3 months for the Start package, and at least 9 months for the Business package).
    Provided that the client has been using the service package for at least 12 months, the client has a right (based on the Request) to switch to another package service under the BUSINESS STYLE service package (in accordance with clause 17 of the Regulations) or discconnect the service package (in accordance with clause 22 of the Regulations).
    Provided that the client has been using the service package for 12 months (inclusive), the client has a right to continue to be serviced under this package (without additional Request).
    For the purposes of the Regulations, the following concept is used:
    “12 months of service under a service package” means a period of time equal to 12 months (inclusive) of customer service within the service package (from the day of connection to the Start package; the month when the client is connected to this package is considered a full month of service). The service period within the service package does not include the period of suspension of the provision of services to the client under the  service package (including at the request of the client, as well as in the case the client failed to fulfill its obligations to pay remuneration (fee)) in accordance with clauses 23 and 24 of the Regulations.
    The client shall pay the user fee for the Business package  irrespecive of the number of accounts serviced under this service package. The user fee for the Business package is calculated in full on a monthly basis.
    10. The START package is designed for clients specified in cl.3 of the Regulations, except for clients who are serviced (or who used to be serviced) under the DEBUT package of the BUSINESS STYLE service package.
    The service period for these packages is 3 months (inclusive of the month of connection to the service package).
    Upon expiry of the service period under the START, the Bank transfers the customer connected to this service package to servicing under the Business service package (additional request is not required), unless otherwise specified in the customer's Request for service under a different service package.
    11.Upon the client's Request, the Business package (without grace period) can be used by the Bank's clients who have a current(settlement) bank account(s)  with the Bank (upon the Request) and for clients who are serviced (or who used to be serviced) under the DEBUT package of the BUSINESS STYLE service package.
    The service period for the Business package is unlimited from the date of connection to the service package.
    12. On the basis of a separate agreement / application / request in accordance with LLA, the service packages include the following services:
    - registration, connection (with the issuance of the EDS key) and the use of the subsystem "Internet -Client"of RBSS ;
    - acceptance of Belarusian rubles in cash using self-service devices equipped with a cash-in module (ATM, infokiosk) and crediting thereof to client's current (settlement) bank accounts held with the Bank;
    - acceptance of Belarusian rubles in cash and crediting thereof to the client's current (settlement) bank accounts, held with the Bank, through an automatic deposit machine;
    - remote informing about the operations, decisions, events in the framework of the Bank account agreement (Viber/SMS / e-mail);
    - issue and maintenance of corporate bank payment cards, as well as the provision of SMS notification services.
    - crediting and payment of salary and other payoffs into current (settlement) bank accounts to which bank cards are issued.
    13. According to Clause 1.4. operations "Bank transfer in Belarusian rubles (including instant payments*) based on a payment instruction transmitted electronically (including using AIS MOF**), no fee is charged for making the following payments:
    - for payment of taxes, fees (duties), other mandatory payments to the budget, state target budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, rent for land plots that are in state ownership (to personal accounts opened on the accounts of 36 group, except for payments to personal accounts opened on the balance sheet account 3632, 3633, 3636);
    - within one legal entity (including among its structural divisions that have a single UNP), an individual entrepreneur to accounts held with the Bank;
    - to Bank accounts (other than customer accounts) held with the Bank;
    - transfer of wages and equivalent payments and other money transfers to the accounts of individuals held with the Bank;
    - within one legal entity (including from its structural subdivisions (branches) with different UNP) when using the Cash-Pooling service.
    14. The remuneration (fee) for the operations above the allowed limit shall be paid in the amount and within the terms indicated in the Fee Guide, except as otherwise provided in the service package.
    15. For the operations not included in the service packages, the remuneration (fee) shall be paid in accordance with the Fee Guide. 
    16. The Bank has a right to unilaterally (except as otherwise provided in the agreement between the Bank and the Client), upon prior written notice to the client within the period specified in the bank account agreement, introduce changes to the actual service packages (name of the service package, terms of service, validity period, remuneration rates, list of operations included into the service packages).
    17. Upon written Request, the client has the right to switch to servicing under another package of the BUSINESS STYLE for corporate clients (except for the DEBUT package):
    17.1. at no extra charge:
                for clients connected to the Business service package subject to the Request;
                for cllients switching to the Unique service package;
                for clients connected to the service package for longer than a 12 month period under the service package;
    17.2. at extra charge (in accordance with Cl. 7 of the operation within the service package) provided the service period under the service package is less than 12 months (except for the clients specified in Cl. 17.1 of the Regulations).
    The client's transition to the service from one service package to another is carried out from the first day of the month following the date of submission of the Request to the Bank. 
    18. When a client who entered into an agreement on non-cash transfers of funds to accounts of individuals with the Bank (within the service package) switches to servicing under another package of the BUSINESS-STYLE service package for corporate clients (in accordance with clause 17 of the Regulations), the fee for the operation “Crediting and payment of salary and other payoffs into current (settlement) bank accounts to which bank cards are issued” can be charged in the amount established by such agreement, as well as when a client switches from one BUSINESS-STYLE service package to another BUSINESS STYLE service package.
    19. When a client who entered into acquiring services agreement (within the services package)  switches to servicing under another package of the BUSINESS-STYLE service package for corporate clients (in accordance with clause 17 of the Regulations), the fee for the above operation can be charged in the amount  in the amount established by such agreement, as well as when a client switches from one BUSINESS-STYLE services package to another BUSINESS STYLE service package.
    20. The Bank has a righ to disconnect the client (without the client's request) from the service package in the following cases:
    - the client's refusal to be connected to the RBSS, termination of the Agreement for RBSS usage (at the client’s or the Bank's initiative), and in case the Agreement for RBSS usage ceased to be in force.
    - if the Bank possesses information on the initiation in respect of the client of proceedings on economic insolvency (bankruptcy), or on the client being in the liquidation process;
    - the presence of overduepayments of the remuneration (fees) for cash and settlement services at the Bank.
    The Bank disconnects the client unilaterally when closing all the client's bank accounts (at the initiative of the client or the Bank)
    21. The client has the right to disconnect the service package by way of submitting a request (free form, as well as through RBSS) for refusal to use the service package or when closing a current (settlement) bank account (during the validity period of the service package): 
    21.1.at no extra charge:
                 for clients connected to the service package for 12 months or longer under the service package;
                 for clients connected to the Business service package subject to the Request;
    21.2.at extra charge (in accordance with Cl. 7 of the operation within the service package) provided the service period under the service package is less than 12 months (except for the clients specified in Cl. 21.1 of the Regulations).
    Upon disconnection of the client from servicing under the service package in accordance with Clause 16 of the Regulations, the fee(reward) for the banking operations (except for operations specified in Cl.5, Cl.6) shall be charged in the amount set in the Fee Guide. The fee charging procedure is carried out in compliance with the agreement on the current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles. 
    22. When a client is disconnected from servicing under a package of services, which includes an additional operation - crediting and payment of wages and other payments to current (settlement) bank accounts to which cards are issued, the Bank has the right to initiate an increase in the amount of the fee (remuneration) according to this operation.
    23. If the client fails to pay the remuneration (fee) set by the Fee Guide under the service packages (including outstanding user fee for service packages ), the Bank has a right to suspend the servicing of the client under the service package and switch the client to the servicing as per the Fee Guide (except for operations specified in clauses 1.7.2, 3, 5,6), accompanied by simultaneous suspension of service via RBSS.The suspension can be carried out on the day of the formation of overdue debts, but not later than 2 months after its formation.
    The servicing of the client under the service package (subject to the user fee for the service package) resumes on the first day of the month following the date of full payment of the overdue debts by the client.
    24.The Client has the right to temporarily suspend the servicing under the service package, in connection with suspension of operations in the RBSS,by sending a written notice (free form), as well as via RBSS, to JSC Belagroprombank with the indication of the suspension period, which is one full calendar month (months) and shall not exceed the period for which operations in the RBSS are suspended.
    25. After the client has been disconnected from the service package, provided the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations have been met, the client has the right to connect to the service package starting from the first day of the next month. 

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