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    Fee guide

    26. Service package for horticultural societies "HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY"
    Operation Fee rate /
    Terms and conditions
    Payment due date
      Monthly User Fee BYN 5,00  In the month of client's connection to the service package – on the date of connection to the service package, no later than the last operating day of the current month. In subsequent months – before the tenth day of the current month, no later than the last operating day of the current month  
    1. Opening accounts, performing payments, support of payment operations    Service fee is included into the user fee 
    1.1. Opening current (settlement) bank accounts in Belarusian rubles Included into the package  
    1.2. Opening current (settlement) accounts in foreign currency  Included into the package  
    1.3. Attesting the signature of persons authorized to sign payment documents and seal impression by business entities on the specimen signature and seal card  Included into the package  
    1.4. Acceptance and processing of a payment request provided for collection with acceptance transmitted electronically    Included into the package  
    1.5. Bank transfer on the basis of the payment instruction transmitted in the electronic form (including using AIS MOF**):    
    1.5.1. • included into the service package 5 per month  
    1.5.2. • over the limit of the service package  0,90 BYN
    per 1 transfer
    On the day of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month  
    1.6. Issue of certificates to clients (on bank accounts held with the bank, on card file of overdye payment documents, on flow of funds on the client's account,  on account balance as of the specific date, on persons authorized to operate an account, on debts on active banking operations etc.) Included into the package  
    1.7. Acceptance of cash in Belarusian rubles from customers of JSC Belagroprombank for further crediting of current (settlement) and other accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank     
    1.7.1. • through the cash desk of JSC Belagroprombank  Included into the package  
    1.7.2. • via the self-service devices of JSC Belagroprombank equipped with the cash acceptance module (self-service payment terminal, ATM ) Included into the package  
    1.7.3. • via an automatic deposit machine Included into the package  
    1.8. Cash advance in Belarusian rubles from accounts of legal entities and individual enterpreneurs  3% of the amount On the day of cash advance from the account, no later than the last operating day of the current month  
    2. Remote banking service     Service fee is included into the user fee 
    2.1. User fee for the Remote Banking Services System "Internet-Client"  Included into the package  
    2.2. Registration, installation and connection to the "Internet-Client" subsystem of the Remote Banking Service system   Included into the package  
    3. Additional operations    
    3.1. Remote informing on operations, decisions, events occurring within the framework of the bank account agreement
    Included into the package Service fee is included into the user fee 
    3.2. Operations with bank payment cards     
    3.2.1 Servicing of corporate bank payment cards (including issue and reissue) issued by JSC Belagroprombank (excluding urgent registration) The package includes unlimited number of BELCARD corporate payment cards Service fee is included into the user fee 
    *JSC Belagroprombank:
             - performs instant payments transferred by the client using only the subsystem "Internet-Client" of the remote banking system;
              - does not make instant payments:
              from current (settlement) bank accounts of the client to which the bank payment card is issued;
              from accounts of the organization which is in a stage of liquidation (termination of activity), bankruptcy;
              on transfer with sale of foreign currency (transfer of equivalent of Belarusian rubles);
              as part of a standing payment order.
    **AIS MOF is Automated Information System on Monetary Obligations Fulfilment.

    The regulations for provision and usage of  the service packages "СHORTICULTURAL SOCIETY" (further– the Regulations) regulate the procedure for provision and usage of JSC Belagroprombank's service packages by horticultural societies (further – clients).

    The service package  "HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY" for the clients (further – the service package) is a set of banking services provided under the agreement on a current (settlement) account in Belarusian rubles to clients at JSC Belagroprombank  upon the client's request (free form) for connection to the service package, including requests provided via the RBSS (remote bank service system), or upon the request for bank account opening (including the request for integrated banking service) (further - "the request").  

    2. The service packages are an integral part of the Fee Guide of JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter – the Fee Guide) and determine the procedure for charging a fee (remuneration)  for services rendered to the clients. 

    Upon the client’s request all the client’s accounts in Belarusian rubles held with subdivisions of JSC Belagroprombank (Central Client Service Office, regional directorates, banking service centers), except for charity accounts accumulation accounts, will be connected to one service package.

    The user fee shall be paid by the client for the service package irrespective of the number of the client’s accounts in Belarusian rubles included in the specific service package. The list of the service package remains unchanged (if more accounts are added to the service package, the number of operations in the service package shall not increase).

    4 JSC Belagroprombank shall not connect the client to the service package if the client, at the time of connection to the package has due payments (overdue payments) to JSC Belagroprombank of fees for cash and settlement services at the subdivision of JSC Belagroprombank.  

    JSC Belagroprombank shall provide servies to the client via the remote bank services system (further - RBSS) "Internet – Client", which is included into the service package.

    To be connected  to the service package, the client and JSC Belagroprombank must conclude an agreement on the use of the RBSS subsystem "Internet – Client". From the moment of connection to the service package, clients have access to the FM "Marketplace" in the "Internet - Client" subsystem of the RBSS.      


    The client is serviced at the subdivision of JSC Belagroprombank where the client signed the agreement on a current (settlement) account in Belarusian rubles.

    The client shall:

    – be serviced under one service package within JSC Belagroprombank's subdividsions. The user fee for the service package shall be charged at a subdivision of JSC Belagroprombank where the client signed an agreement on usage of the "Internet-Client" subsystem of the RBSS,except as otherwise provided in the agreement on a current (settlement) account in Belarusian rubles;

    – within Belagroprombank’s subdivisions, perform cash acceptance operations in Belarusian rubles (included in the service package) for crediting (transfer) to their current (settlement) bank and other accounts in Belarusian rubles held with JSC Belagroprombank.

    7 JSC Belagroprombank provides services on accepting cash in Belarusian rubles from clients of JSC Belagroprombank for further crediting(transfer) thereof to their current (settlement) bank and other accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank  via self-service devices of JSC Belagroprombank equipped with  cash acceptance module as per a client's request (application) recieved by JSC Belagroprombank from in accordance with the local legal act of JSC Belagroprombank.    

    The service package includes additional operations.

    The client  is entitled to perform additional operations under the service package provided subject to conslusion of  the corresponding agreements (supplementary agreements) with JSC Belagroprombank with the validity period of the service pakage validity period.


    The date of connection to the service package is:

    – for new clients – the date of opening of a current (settlement) account in Belarusian rubles;

    – for existing clients of JSC Belagroprombank  – the first date of the month following the date of the client's request.

    10 The user fee for usage of the service package in the current month shall not be charged from the client provided that there were no debiting operations in the reporting month on the client's current(settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles. The user fee for the current month shall be debited (paid) regardless of the number of operations included into the service package in the current month, except:
         - payment by the client of fees in favour of JSC Belagroprombank;
         - direct debit operations;
         - operations on transfer of the client's balances upon closure of the current (settlement) account,  including to JSC Belagroprombank's settlement account with other creditors or to income accounts of JSC Belagroprombank.
    11 The user fee shall be charged in full for the current month, irrespective of the date of connection to the service package and the actual number and type of operations used by the Client in the service package. The number of bank operations included into the service package is performed during the current month, except for the cases specified by the service package.
    12 The service package, in addition to the specified quantity of bank transfers in Belarusian rubles, includes:
    – taxes, fees (charges), and other mandatory payments into the budget, state budgetary and extra budgetary funding for targeted purposes, rent pay for publicly owned land plots (on personal accounts held on accounts of group 36, except payments to personal accounts held on balance account 3632, 3633, 3636);
    – payments within one legal entity to accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank;
    – payments to accounts (except client accounts) held with JSC Belagroprombank;
    – crediting of salary payments and similar payments and other money transfers to individual's accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank;
    – return of deposits (and respective interest earned) placed with JSC Belagroprombank.
    13 The fee (reward) for the operations above the allowed limit included into the service package shall be paid in the amount and within the terms indicated in the Fee Guide, except as otherwise provided in the service package.
    14 The fee (reward) for the operations not included in the service packages shall be paid in accordance with the applicable Fee Guide.
    15 JSC Belagroprombank is entitled to unilaterally (except as otherwise provided in the agreement between JSC Belagroprombank and the Client), upon prior written notice to the client within the period specified in the bank account agreement in Belarusian rubles, introduce changes to the actual service packages (name of the service package, terms and conditions of service, validity period, remuneration rates, list of operations included into the service packages).
    16 JSC Belagroprombank is entitled to disconnect the client from the service under the service package in the following circumstances:
    - the agreement on usage of the Internet-Client subsystem was terminated at he client's initiative or at the initiative of JSC Belagroprombank, and in cases when the agreement on usage of the Internet-Client subsystem ceased to be in force.
    JSC Belagroprombank shall disconnect the client from the service under the service package upon the client's request (free form) submitted at the place of service, including the request submitted via RBSS, containing a refusal to be serviced under the service package during the validity period  of the service package.
    The Bank disconnects the client unilaterally when closing all the client's bank accounts (at the initiative of the client or the Bank)
    17 In case when the client fail to fulfill the obligations to make fee(reward) payments as per the Services Package Fee Guide (including failure to pay the user fee) within one month from the due date, JSC Belagroprombank shal be entitled to suspend the servicing of such client under the service package, switch the client to the servicing as per the Fee Guide  (except the operatins specified in Clauses 1.7.2., 3.2) and suspend the RBSS servicing.
    The renewal of servicing under the service package (subject to the user fee charge for the respective service package) shall start on the first day of the month following the date when the the client  paid in full the fee (reward) for the banking serviced under the service package.
    18 The Client is entitled to temporarily suspend the servicing under the service package in connection with suspension of operations in the RBSS by sending a written notice (in free form) thereof, as well as via RBSS, to JSC Belagroprombank with the indication of the temporary suspension period, which is one full calendar month (months). The suspension period under the service package within one calendar year shall be no longer than 3(three) calendar months and shall not exceed the period for which operations in RBSS are suspended.
    The suspension of servicing under the package starts no earlier than the first day of the month following the month of submission of the notice.
    The renewal of servicing under the service package starts from the first day of the month following the month (months) when the servicing under the service package was suspended.
    In the period of suspension of servicing under the service package, the fee (reward) for banking operations shall be paid in the amount set by the applicable Fee Guide. The fee charging procedure is carried out in compliance with the agreement on the current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles.
    19 Upon disconnection of the client from servicing under the service package in accordance with Clause 16 of the Regulations, the fee(reward) for the banking operations shall be charged in the amount set in the Fee Guide.
    The fee charging procedure is carried out in compliance with the agreement on the current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles.
    Following disconnection of the client from the service package, the client has a right to reconnect to the service package on the first day of the month subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations. 

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