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    Fee guide

    JSC "Belagroprombank"
    1.The regulations for provision and usage of the service packages for corporate customers of JSC Belagroprombank  (hereinafter - "Regulations") set forth the procedure for provision and usage of service packages by nonbank financial institutions, specialized financial institutions, commercial organizations, non-commercial organizations (except for horticultural societies) and enterpreneurs (hereinafter “the clients”), including non resident corporate customers (hereinafter - "Clients").                                                                                                                                                
    The service packages for corporate customers (hereinafter - "the service package" is a set of banking services rendered to the clients of JSC Belagroprombank under the agreement on a current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles under the client's request (free form) for connection to the service package/change of the service package  or upon the request for bank account opening  (including the request for integrated banking service)  (hereinafter  - "the request"). The request may be submitted via the remote bank service systems (hereinafter - "RBSS"). 
    2.The services packages are an integral part of the Fee Guide for the transactions performed by JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter – the Fee Guide) and determine the procedure for remuneration for services rendered to the clients.  
    3. The service package consists of: 
    3.1. the main service package "SMART" (subsection 22.1 of section 22 of the Fee Guide). 
    A prerequisite for connecting clients to the service package is the conclusion of an agreement with the Bank on the use of the "Internet - Client" subsystem of the RBSS.  Clients connected to the main service package “SMART” have access to the electronic trading platform “E-Commerce Service “ShireKrug” (hereinafter referred to as ETP). Access and operation of the ETP is carried out upon registration of the client in the ETP in accordance with the bank’s LLA on the operation of the electronic trading platform “E-Commerce Service  “ShireKrug”.                                                                                                                                                                                                      From the moment of connection to the "SMART" service package, clients have access to the FM "Marketplace" in the "Internet - Client" subsystem of the RBSS
    3.1.1. To the service package connect: 
    individual entrepreneurs - to the service package "SMART IE"; 
    clients, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs, belonging to the category "Micro and Small Business" - to the service package "SMART MSB"; 
    clients, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs, belonging to the "Large and Largest Business" category - to the service package "SMART LLB"; 
    The categories  are assigned to clients in accordance with the local legal acts of the Bank (hereinafter - LLA), which regulate the procedure for segmentation of corporate clients. 
    When the client's category changes (except for individual entrepreneurs), the Bank unilaterally transfers the client to service from the 1st day of the month following the current month in which the client's category was changed: 
    from the service package "SMART MSB" to the service package"SMART LLB" (when changing the client category from "Micro and Small Business" to the "Large and Largest Business" client category); 
    from the service package "SMART LLB" to the service package"SMART MSB" (when changing the client category from " Large and Largest Business" to the "Micro and Small Business" client category); 
    When the client's category is changed, the Bank notifies the client at least 5 working days before the date of transfer from one service package to another service package in electronic form via the RBSS. In case of disagreement with the transfer from one service package to another service package, the client has the right to deactivate the service package in the manner provided for in Section 15 of the Rules. 
    3.1.2. The following bank accounts in Belarusian rubles held with JSC Belagroprombank will be connected to one service package.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    current (settlement) bank accounts (including special accounts, subaccounts, and accounts to which corporate payment cards are issued)
     charity accounts
    trust management account.
    Clients' accounts for accumulating budgetary funds are not connected to service packages. 
    3.1.3. as part of the service package, the following services are provided: 
        under the “SMART START” service package (in accordance with subclause of clause 3);
        under the package of services: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB” (in accordance with subclause of clause 3). The “SMART START” service package is provided to new clients who, at the time of submitting an application to the Bank to open a current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles (and (or) other accounts specified in subclause 3.1.2 of clause 3 of the Rules) within 12 months (inclusive) there are no other accounts with the Bank (including those opening a current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles for the first time, in respect of which the registering authority sent an electronic application to the Bank through the AIS “Interaction” and (or) RBSS (if technically possible at the Bank) (hereinafter referred to as new clients).
                The “SMART START” service package is provided for 6 months, during which the subscription fee for this package is charged in the amount of 0.01 BYN per month (in this case, the month in which the client is connected to this package is considered a full month of service).
                During the validity of the “SMART START” service package, the Bank does not connect the client to the additional “PRO” package(s).
               The client has the right to connect to additional “PRO” packages under the “SMART” service package (when servicing within the “SMART START” service package) from the 7th month of service under the service package (after the expiration of the “SMART START” service package).
                Upon expiration of the “SMART START” service package, the Bank unilaterally, from the 1st day of the month following the 6th month of servicing the client under the “SMART START” service package, unless otherwise specified in the client’s application, transfers to service:
                individual entrepreneur – to the service package “SMART IE”;
                a client, with the exception of an individual entrepreneur belonging to the business direction “Micro and Small Business” - to the “SMART MSB” service package;
                a client belonging to the business direction “Large and Largest Business” - to the “SMART LLB” service package.
                Categories and business directions are assigned to clients in accordance with the LLA, which regulates the procedure for segmenting corporate clients.
    If the client is disconnected from the service package (based on the Application) within 12 months (from the month of provision of the “SMART START” service package), the client pays a fee (remuneration) to the Bank in the amount specified in subclause 5.1 of clause 5 of the “SMART START” service package.
    The service period for a client connected to the main package of services: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB” is not limited.  EXCLUDED EXCLUDED  EXCLUDED The package of services: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB” includes clients who have a current (current) bank account(s) with the Bank (based on the Application) (and ( or) other accounts specified in subclause 3.1.2 of clause 3 of the Rules), as well as clients who, at the time of submitting an application for opening a current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles (and (or) other accounts specified in subclause 3.1 .2. clause 3 of the Rules) there were no other accounts in the Bank for less than 12 months.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For service packages: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB” the client pays a user fee regardless of the number of accounts serviced under this service package. The client has the right to connect to additional “PRO” packages according to the service package: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB” on the day of connection to this service package. New clients have the right not to connect to the “SMART START” service package and, when opening a bank account in Belarusian rubles, to connect to:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to the main package of the service package: “SMART IE”, “SMART MSB”, “SMART LLB”;                                                                                                                       to a comprehensive service package, which includes the main service package: “SMART IP”, “SMART IMB”, “SMART KKB” and additional service package(s) PRO”. The service period for a client connected to the main package of services: “SMART IP”, “SMART IMB”, “SMART KKB” is not limited
    3.2. additional service package (s) "PRO" (subsections 22.2.1., 22.2.2., 22.2.3. section 22 of the Fee Guide):
    * "Trade";
    * "Cash";
    * "Vad".
    3.2.1. The client has the right to service in the Bank for a complex service package, which includes the main service package "SMART" (with a grace period (upon expiration of the grace period)) or a service package "SMART" (without the provision of a grace period) and additional package (s) of "PRO" services: 
    * «SMART» + «PRO» («Trade» + «Cash» + «Vad»);
    *  «SMART» + «PRO» («Trade» + «Cash»);
    * «PRO» («Cash» + «Vad»);
    * «SMART» + «PRO» («Trade» + «Vad»);
    * «SMART» + «PRO» («Trade»);
    * «SMART» + «PRO» («Cash»);
    * «SMART» + «PRO» («Vad»).
    4. The client is served in the Bank for one service package (including a complex service package). 
    The structural subdivision of the client (branches, representative offices, etc.), which has its own registration number, is connected to a separate service package (if it has an RBSS). 
    Subject to agreement with the Bank, the client's structural unit (branches, representative offices, etc.) which does not have its own registration number, it can connect to a separate service package (if it has an RBSS). 
    5. The date of connection to the service package is:
    * for newly accepted clients - the date of opening the first bank account in Belarusian rubles; 
    * for clients serviced by the Bank - the first day of the month following the date the client submits an application. 
    6. For servicing a service package, the client pays a user fee, regardless of the number of accounts serviced for this service package. The list of the service package does not change when additional accounts are connected to the service package (the number of transactions included in the package does not increase). 
    The user fee for using the service packages is calculated in full for each calendar month of service, starting from the date of connection and then monthly. 
    The number of banking operations included in the service package is calculated per calendar month.
    When servicing a client on a complex service package ("SMART" + "PRO"), the user fee for the complex service package consists of the amount of the user fee for the main service package "SMART" and the user fee for the additional service package (s) "PRO". 
    When servicing a client on a complex service package ("SMART" + "PRO"), the number of bank transfers in Belarusian rubles (excluding instant payments) based on the payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including using the AIS IDO) consists of the number bank transfers in Belarusian rubles (excluding instant payments) on the basis of a payment instruction transmitted electronically (including using the AIS IDO), the main service package "SMART" and the number of bank transfers in Belarusian rubles (excluding instant payments) to on the basis of a payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including with the use of AIS MOF), additional service package (s) "PRO" ("Trade"). 
    7. The Bank does not connect to a service package (including a complex service package) if the client at the time of connection to a service package (to a complex service package) has an overdue debt on payment of remuneration (fees) for settlement and cash services in the Bank. 
    8. On the basis of a separate agreement / application / request in accordance with the LLA, the connection to the services is carried out, including: 
    8.1. in the basic service package "SMART":
    - registration, connection (with the issuance of an EDS key) and use of the "Internet - Client" subsystem of the  RBSS;
    - remote informing about ongoing operations, decisions made, events that have occurred under the bank account agreement (Viber / SMS / e-mail); 
    8.2. to the additional service package PRO ("Cash"), PRO ("Consalt"): 
    * acceptance of Belarusian rubles in cash using devices equipped with a cash acceptance module (ATM, self-service terminal) with crediting to the client's current (settlement) accounts opened at JSC Belagroprombank; 
    * acceptance of Belarusian rubles in cash with crediting to the client's current (settlement) accounts opened at JSC Belagroprombank through an automatic deposit machine; 
    8.3. in the additional service package "Vad" - registration of foreign exchange contracts. 
    9. For the operation “Bank transfer in Belarusian rubles (except for instant payments) on the basis of a payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including using AIS MOF), no fee is charged for making payments: 
    on payment of taxes, dues (duties), other obligatory payments to the budget, state targeted budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, rent for land plots owned by the state (to personal accounts opened on accounts of group 36, excluding payments to personal accounts, opened on balance account 3632,3633, 3636); 
    * within one legal entity (including among its structural divisions that have a single Registration number), an individual entrepreneur to accounts opened with the Bank; 
    * to the accounts of the Bank (except for customer accounts) opened with the Bank; 
    *  transfer of salary and equivalent payments and other money transfers to the accounts of individuals opened with the Bank. 
        * within one legal entity (including its structural subdivisions (branches) having various Taxpayer’s identification numbers when using the Cash-Pooling service.
    10. The fee (reward) for transactions in excess of the amount included in the service package is paid in the amount and within the timeframe established by the current Fee Guide, unless otherwise provided by the service package. 
    10.1. The fee (reward) for the crediting and payment of salaries and other payments to the current (settlement) bank accounts to which the cards are issued, under agreements concluded with clients within the range of service packages for corporate clients "BUSINESS - STYLE" (until 28.02.2019 ( inclusive), is carried out in accordance with the terms of the salary agreement.
    For clients serviced before 31.08.2021 within the framework of the package for corporate clients "BUSINESS STYLE" ("Unique salary") the fee (reward) is not charged for the services:
    - "Crediting of salaries and other payments to the current (settlement) bank accounts of individuals to which a bank payment card is issued",
    - "Issue of bank payment cards" economy class "within the framework of a salary agreement"
    when connecting from 01.09.2021 these clients to the complex package, which includes the basic service package "SMART" and the additional service package "PRO" ("Trade 2200").
    10.2. Servicing corporate bank payment cards (including reissuance) issued by JSC "Belagroprombank" (except for urgent processing), as well as providing the XL package of SMS services - informing about corporate bank payment cards issued (reissued) as part of the service package "BUSINESS - STYLE" are carried out free of charge (award). 
    11. For the operations not included in the service packages, the remuneration (fee) shall be paid in accordance with the Fee Guide. 
    12. The Bank has a right to unilaterally (except as otherwise provided in the agreement between the Bank and the Client), upon prior written notice to the client within the period specified in the bank account agreement, introduce changes to the actual services packages (name of the service package, terms of service, validity period, remuneration rates, list of operations included into the service packages).
    13. Upon written request, the client has the right to switch to another service package of the current line "PRO"package (according to p. 3.2.1 Chapter 3 of these Regulations) without additional charge.
    Transfer of the customer to the service from one service package to another is carried out from the first day of the month following the date of submission of the application by the Client to the Bank (including via RBSS).
    14.  JSC Belagroprombank shall disconnect the client from the service package in the following cases:                                                                                                                                                                             
    - if the client refuses to connect to the Bank-Client subsystem of the RBSS, if the Agreement for usage of the RBSS subsystem is terminated at the client’s or Belagroprombank’s initiative, and in case the Agreement for usage of the RBSS subsystem is no longer valid
    -  if JSC Belagroprombank possesses information (the court decision) on the initiation in respect of the client of proceedings on economic insolvency (bankruptcy), or on the client being in the liquidation process;
    - the presence of overdue debts to pay remuneration (fees) for settlement and cash services in the Bank.                 
    The Bank disconnects the client unilaterally when closing all bank accounts of the client (at the initiative of the client or the Bank).                                                                                                                                                                                    
    15. The client has the right to deactivate the service package when submitting an application (of any form, including the one provided using the RBSS) for refusing to service the service package or when closing the current (settlement) bank account (and (or) other accounts specified in subsection 3.1.2. Chapter 3 of the Regulations) (during the validity period of the service package): 
    15.1. free of charge (reward): 
      for clients who are served under the “SMART” service package (with the provision of the “SMART START” service package) for more than 12 months;
    for clients who are serviced under the “SMART” service package (with the provision of the “SMART START” service package) for 12 months or less than 12 months and switching (based on the client’s application) to servicing under the service package for corporate clients “Self made” (according to package of services "Business");
     for clients connected to other service packages; 
    15.2. with charging a fee (reward) (in accordance with subclause 5.1 of clause 5 of the “SMART START” service package) subject to service under the “SMART” service package (with the provision of the “SMART START” service package) for 12 months or less than 12 months (except for clients specified in subclause 15.1 of clause 15 of the Rules).
    When a client is disconnected from servicing a service package, the fee for banking transactions is paid in the amount established by the Fee Guide (except for the operations specified in chapter 2 of the additional service package "PRO" ("Trade"), “PRO” (“VED”) ), "PRO" ("Consult"). The procedure for collecting fees  is carried out in accordance with the agreement of the current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles. 
    15.2-1 EXCLIDED
    16. If the client fails to pay the remuneration (fee) set by the Fee Guide under the service packages (including outstanding user fee for service packages ), the Bank has a right to suspend the servicing of the client under the service package and switch the client to the servicing as per the Fee Guide (except for the operations specified in Sections 1.1.3. additional service package "PRO" Cash, clause 2. additional service package "PRO" ("Trade"), "PRO" ("VAD" ), accompanied by simultaneous susopension of service via RBSS.The suspension can be carried out on the day of the formation of overdue debts, but not later than 2 months after its formation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    The suspension can be carried out after a month has passed since the formation of the overdue debt. 
    The servicing of the client under the service package (subject to the user fee for the service package) resumes on full payment by the client of the overdue debt on the fee (remuneration) for settlement and cash services in Belarusian rubles and (or) in foreign currency at the Bank (including the user fee according to service package):
    when repaying the debt on the first business day of the current month - from the 1st day of the current month;
    when repaying the debt in the period from the second to the last operating day of the current month - from the 1st day of the next month.on  full payment of the overdue debts by the client.
    17. After the client has been disconnected from the service package, provided the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations have been met, the client has the right to connect to the service package starting from the first day of the next month. 
    18. The Client has the right to temporarily suspend the servicing under the service package, in connection with suspension of operations in the RBSS,by sending a written notice (free form), as well as via RBSS, to JSC Belagroprombank with the indication of the suspension period, which is one full calendar month (months) and shall not exceed the period for which operations in the RBSS are suspended.

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