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    Fee guide

     24. The service package for agroecotourism entities "AGROECOTOURISM"
    No. Operation Fee rate /  Terms Payment due date
    1. Servicing a current (settlement) account to which a bank payment card is issued     
    1.1. Transfer of funds from an account to which a card is issued to an account held with JSC Belagroprombank   0,8% of the amount At the moment of the operation 
    1.2. Transfer of funds from an account to which a card is issued to accounts held  with other banks 1,5% of the amount At the moment of the operation 
    1.3. Cashless crediting of funds for agro-ecotourism services to the account to which a card on the terms of the AGROECOTOURISM package was issued, in the event there is no agreement between JSC Belagroprombank and the remitter 1,5% of the amount At the moment of the operation 
    2. Acquiring operations    
    2.1. Terminal-based acquiring 
     1,0% of the amount of operations made with Belagroprombank-issued cards;
    by agreement of the parties of the amount of operations made with payment cards issued by resident or non-resident banks.
    Upon transferring funds to the agroecotourism entity within operations with the use of bank payment cards
    2.2. Internet Acquiring
     3% of the amount of operations made with  bank payment cards
    Upon transferring funds to the merchant within operations with the use of bank payment cards
    Notes to Section 24:    
          Clients who are provided services under "AGROECOTOURISM" package are not charged for the following:
          – opening a current (settlement) account in Belarusian rubles to which a bank card is issued;
          – servicing Visa Classic EMV bank cards with  individual design;
          – connecting to and servicing of Internet Banking;
          – cashless crediting of an account to which a card is issued, in the following cases: 
             credit is added to an account to which a card is issued from accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank; 
             credit is added to an account to which a card is issued from accounts held with other banks;
             cash withdrawal or purchase operations are cancelled due to technical problems and failures;
             pucrhase operation is cancelled in the event the client has rejected the purchase, provided that the payment for the goods was made using that card and in other unforseen emergencies;
             refund of missent payments by the service provider;
             a loan amount (fully or partially) provided by JSC Belagroprombank in accordance with the Procedure for  implementation of the Program  of participation of JSC Belagroprombank in the development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus is credited to the account;  
             if there is an acquiring agreement (an acquiring agreement on the Internet).
           1. The service package for agroecotourism entities "AGROECOTOURISM"  ("AET Package")  is a set  of banking services that JSC Belagroprombank ("Bank") provides to agroecotourism entities ("Clients") under the agreement on current (settlement) account to which Visa Classic EMV card with individual design in Belarusian rubles is issued ("АEТ account).
           AET account is opened in accordance with the Regulations for performing card operations at JSC Belagroprombank approved by the decision of the Management Board of the Bank dd.20.06.2013, Minutes №41, and the Terms and conditions for servicing bank payment cards and accounts to which bank payment cards are issued approved by the decision of the Finance Committee of the Bank dd. 11.04.2013, Minutes №30.
           Agroecotourism entities are individuals permanently residing in the rural area and small towns, running private farms and carrying out the activity related to service rendering in the agroecotourism industry as determined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dd. 02.06.2006 №372 "On measures for the development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus".
           2. AET Package is an integral part of the Fee Guide of JSC Belagroprombank ("Fee Guide") and determines the procedure for renumeration for services  provided to Clients and included into the AET Package . 
           3. In order to subscribe to the AET Package, it is mandatory to open an AET account and submit to the Bank the following:
           - request for subscription to the package of services for agroecotourism entities "AGROECOTOURISM" ("Request") as per form stated in the Appendix to the present rules for providing the AET Package;
          -  the document evidencing payment of the fee for carrying out the activity related to rendering services in agroecotorusim industry.
           To unsubscribe from the AET Package, the client shall sumbit the request (no specific form to sumbit such written request is required):
          - in case the client's activity in agroecotourism industry has been terminated (the client must inform the Bank thereof  before the end of the month in which the activity related to agroecotourism was terminated);
           - in other cases, as well a at the initiative of the client or the Bank.
          After the client has unsubscribed from the AET package, the client shall pay fees as determined in Chapter 4 of the Fee Guide.
           4. All requests submitted by the client and related the AET Package are kept  in the client's file together with the AET account agreement.
           5. The provision of Acquiring operations to the client is subject to the agreement with the client for the entire period of validity of the AET Package. 
           6. The date of connection to the ATE Package is the date of sumbisison of the Request to the Bank.
           Clients possessing AET accounts with the Bank before the present Rules were approved, have a right to subscribe to the AET package by submitting the Request.
           7. Operations not included in the AET Package are charged as per Fee Guide. 
           8. The Bank has a right to unilaterally make changes into the present Regulations (name of the services package, service terms and conditions, validity period, fee rates, list of operations included into the AET Package) subject to prior notification to the client at least 7 (seven) business days prior to such changes becoming effective. Prior notification to the client is made through the bank's website and (or) informational stands of the Bank.

    to the Regulations for providing the service package for agroecotourism entities "Agroecotourism" at JSC  Belagroprombank
    (sample form)

                    I,                                                                                                              (Surname, first name, patronymic of the client)
    request access to the  service package for agroecotourism entities "AGROECOTOURISM".
                   I carry out activity in the agroecotourism industry in accordance with                                                                                         .
                  I hereby confirm that I have read and agree with the Rules for providing the service package to agroecotourism entities "AGROECOTOURISM" at JSC Belagroprombank ("the Rules") . I agree with the Regulations changes procedure.

                  __________________________ Surname, first name, patronymic __________________________

                  Employee who accepted the request:
                  __________________________Surname, first name, patronymic __________________________

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