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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Fee guide

    No. Operation Fee rate Payment due date
    4. Cash and settlement services *
    Notes to Section 4:

    The fee for the operations specified in Clause 4 is not charged:

    - for servicing of governmental authorities, organizations financed from budget, other legal entities and individual interpreneurs under opened by them current (settlement) bank accounts for placement of budgetary funds;

    - for execution of the decision of tax authrity, customs authority, Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus on tax collection, customs duty collection, collection of penalties and other mandatory payments into the republican and local budgets, state non-budgetary funds;

    - for performance of inter-bank settlements using budgetary funds;

    - for performance of payments and equal payments into the budget (into personal accounts opened in group 36, except for payments into personal accounts opened on balance account 3632, 3633, 3636);
    - for opening (closing) of charity accounts;
     - for opening and closing of subaccounts in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus as of  8.06.2007 №269  "On measures for repayment of loans issued by JSC Belagroprombank";
     - for opening and servicing of special accounts and subaccounts on the balance accounts 3011, 3012, 3013, 3015 in accordance with acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus with the purpose of budgetary funds accumulation, with their further target use;
    - in cases stipulated by the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus or as specified in the notes to operations.

    For international settlements using budgetary funds, commissions of other banks are not charged.

    Servicing of clients' accounts intended for charitable (gratuitous) aid is subject to fees (remuneration) charged from the client's current (settlement) bank accounts held with JSC Belagroprombank.
    The client has the right to pay a fee (remuneration) to the Bank from the funds of foreign charitable (gratuitous) aid by his/her payment order, subject to the submission of an application and a plan for the targeted use of foreign gratuitous aid, which reflects the expense item of payment of remuneration to the bank.
    The fee for opening and servicing of current (settlement) bank accounts of horticulture partnerships is charged in the amount stipulated for individuals, but no more than the fee established for similar operations for legal entities.

    The fee is charged in the currency of the operation or in the currency defined by the bank for the specific operation or in other currency if such right is granted to a client by the legislation and under the existing contract. In such case, the fee is charged at the rate of the National bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of collection, unless other conditions are determined by the agreement of the parties. Non-residents of the Republic of Belarus, who have no accounts with JSC Belagroprombank, are allowed to pay the fees at the rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the invoice.

    The fee (remuneration) from residents of the Republic of Belarus in foreign currency may be charged:
    - for letter of credit, guarantee (counter-guarantee), collection, Bank payment obligation, financing for assignment of monetary claim (factoring), bill subject to the implementation of these operations in foreign currency;
    - on transfers in foreign currency in favor of non-residents, as well as the Commission of correspondent banks for transfers in foreign currency in favor of non-residents;
    - in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    4.1. Opening of accounts
    4.1.1. Opening of accounts to residents 1 • Current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency

    16,00 BYN

    per each account

    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month • Opening of other accounts to a client (a temporary account; a subaccount; special accounts opened in accordance with the legislation; an account for recording funds received by republican governmental bodies, local executive and administrative bodies and budget organizations from business and other income-generating activities)

    10,00 BYN

    per each account

    On the date of operation, no later than the last operatingl day of the current month
    4.1.2. Opening of accounts in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency to non-residents 2

    20,00 BYN

    per each account

    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.1.3.   Attesting the signature of persons authorized to sign payment documents and seal impression by business entities on the specimen signature and seal card: 3

    15,00 BYN

    per each card

    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    Notes to Subsection 4.1.:

     The fee for the operations specified in Claus 4.1.1. is not applicable in the following cases:

    - opening of accounts of clients on the initiative of JSC Belagroprombank;

    - in case the client switches to the operational department or another branch of JSC Belagroprombank on the client's initiative;
    - opening of corporate card accounts;

    - opening of accounts when an internal structure of  JSC Belagroprombank changes due to reorganization of branches of JSC Belagroprombank.


     The fee for the operations specified in Clause 4.1.2. is not applicable to:

    - deposit accounts;

    - accounts for recording funds received as a collateral;

    - opening of accounts when an internal structure of  JSC Belagroprombank changes due to reorganization of branches of JSC Belagroprombank .


      The fee for the operations specified in Clause 4.1.3. is not charged for:

     -  opening of accounts to a client on the initiative of the Bank;

    -  opening and further servicing of deposit accounts; 

    - issuing of a new card on the initiative of the Bank; 

    - opening of accounts when an internal structure of  JSC Belagroprombank changes due to reorganization of branches of JSC Belagroprombank.

    4.2. Payments in Belarusian rubles
    4.2.1. Bank transfer on the basis of a payment order in hard copy1: – in the system of interbank settlements of JSC Belagroprombank  15,00 BYN
    per transfer
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month – in the BISS system of interbank settlements  20,00 BYN
    per transfer
    4.2.2. Bank transfer on the basis of a payment order transmitted in electronic form (including using AIS MOF): ¹ – in the system of interbank settlements of JSC Belagroprombank 1,00 BYN
    per transfer
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month – in the systems of interbank settlements  1,50 BYN
    per transfer – in the BISS system 1,85 BYN
    per transfer
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month – in the instant payment system 2,10 BYN
    per transfer
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.2.3. Express bank transfer within one banking day via BISS system1 6,50 BYN
    per transfer
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.2.4. The client's use of funds transferred to its current (settlement) account, subaccount, special account during one banking day2 0,1% of the amount  On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.2.5. Bank transfer from a temporary account to a current (settlement) account of a legal entity opened in a different bank (only during one banking day):  0,3% of the amount,
    max.10,00 BYN
    No later than the day of the operation
    4.2.6. Bank transfer of funds credited into a customer's closed account, to a new account opened in another bank (the operation fee is deducted from the transfer)3 3,00 BYN
    per  document
    No later than the day of the operation
    4.2.7. Bank transfer from the account to which a corporate payment card is issued with closing of the account 0,5% of the amount,
    min.1,00 BYN
    No later than the day of the operation
    4.2.8. EXCLUDED     
    Notes to Subsection 4.2.:

    AIS MOF is Automated Information System on Monetary Obligations Fulfilment.
    The fee for the operations specified in Clauses 4.2.1.; 4.2.2.; 4.2.3. is not applicable in the following cases:

    - payments within one legal entity (and within its structural subdivisions sharing a common Taxpayer’s identification number) or one individual entrepreneur to accounts held at JSC Belagroprombank;

    - payments to accounts of JSC Belagroprombank (except accounts of clients) оpened in JSC Belagroprombank;

    - transfers of salary and similar payments and other funds to individual's accounts opened in JSC Belagroprombank;

    - transfer of return of deposit to the client's current (settlement) account with another bank;

    - payments within one legal entity (including its structural subdivisions (branches) having various Taxpayer’s identification numbers) by Cash-Pooling.

    According to Clauses 4.2.1., 4.2.2. the bank transfer (low priority) is performed after the business day only provided there is a technical capability of JSC Belagroprombank (except for instant payments).

    The fee under Clauses 4.2.1., 4.2.2., 4.2.3. shall be applicable (except for instant payments) to a transfer including sale of foreign currency (transfer of the equivalent amount in Belarusian rubles), except transfers within the subdivisions of JSC Belagroprombank;

    The fee under Clause 4.2.1 shall be applicable to execution of payment under a standing payment order, including a standing payment order received from the client in a digital form.

    The fee specified in Clause 4.2.3.is charged in addition to Clauses,


    Under clause JSC Belagroprombank:

    - performs instant payments transferred by the client using only the subsystem "Internet-Client" of the remote banking system;

    - does not make instant payments:

    from current (settlement) bank accounts of the client to which the bank payment card is issued;

    from accounts of the organization which is in a stage of liquidation (termination of activity), bankruptcy;

    on transfer with sale of foreign currency (transfer of equivalent of Belarusian rubles);

    as part of a standing payment order.

    The fee specified in Clause from horticultural societies is charged in the amount prescribed for individuals (for the transfer of funds in Belarusian rubles), but not more than the amount of the fee established in accordance with clause


    The fee for the operations specified in Clause 4.2.4. is charged in addition to the fee defined for the bank transfer according to Clauses 4.2.1.; 4.2.2.; 4.2.5. The fee will not be applicable to the funds transferred to a current (settlement) account within a banking date:

    - funds received by specialized financial institutions under Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 391 dd. October 15, 2021 “On stabilization of the financial condition of organizations” (from account group 18);

    -  cash received, collected, from aquiring transacitons, delivered by a post office, received through merchants and as well as other transactions of group 38  (incl. from accounts of other banks);

    - loans granted by disbursing cash to the clients' accounts;

    - funds transferred from accounts with JSC Belagroprombank except funds transferred from accounts of other clients and credit liabilities accounts of other clients;

    The calculation of the amount debited from the current (settlement) account, subaccount, special account within the banking day does not include the funds used for payments into accounts opened with JSC Belagropombank;

    -  payments into the budget or similar payments (on personal accounts open on accounts of group 36, except payments to personal accounts open on balance account 3632,3633, 3636);

    - transfer of return of deposit to the client's current (settlement) account with another bank;

    3. The fee for the operation specified in Clause 4.2.6 is charged provided that current (settlement) bank account (or any other account) contract stipulates the transfer of funds arriving to a closed account of a client after he switches to another bank, on a fee basis according to the Fee Guide. In case the transfer amount is less than or equals the fee  amount, fee is not charged. If a current (settlement) bank account (or any other account) contract has no such provision, funds are not returned to the sender's account.  
    4.3. In foreign currency 1
    4.3.1. Domestic bank transfer (for crediting beneficiaries' (beneficiary banks') accounts held with resident banks  • for clients of the business line "Large and largest business" USD 10 On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month • for clients of the business line "Micro and small business" •  in Russian rubles USD 5 On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month • in USD, Euro and other foreign currencies USD 7
    4.3.2. International bank transfer (for crediting beneficiaries' (beneficiary banks') accounts held with non-resident banks: • for clients of the business line "Large and largest business": • in Russian rubles

    0,15% of the amount,

    min.500 RUR, max. 4 000 RUR

    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month • in EURO

    0,2% of the amount, 

    min.EUR 20, max. EUR 300  •  in USD and other foreign currencies 0,2% of the amount,
    min. USD 25, max. USD 300 • for clients of the business line "Micro and small business" • in Russian rubles 7 USD  On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month • in USD, Euro and other foreign currencies 25 USD
    4.3.3. EXCLUDED     
    4.3.4. Refund of funds in foreign currency to senders, transfer of funds to the client's  new address upon his written request)  20 USD  On the day of sending messages
    Notes to Subsection 4.3.:

    The fee for operations specified in the Subsection 4.3.1, 4.3.2 is charged, including for transfers executed on the basis of a payment order of the Automated Information System on Monetary Obligations Fulfilment (AIS MOF).
    The fee for the operations specified in the Subsection 4.3., and fees of correspondent banks are charged in the currency of the transfer, in Belarusian rubles (other foreign currency) at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment or refund  (at cross-rates calculated based on the official rates of Belarusian ruble to respective foreign currency, set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment or refund).
    Fees in clauses 4.3.1. are charged:
        - from clients-residents of the Republic of Belarus in Belarusian rubles at the official rate of Belarusin ruble to the respective foreign currency set by the National Bank fo the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment of remuneration (fees) for intra-republican transfer in foreign currency;
        - from non-resident customers in foreign currency (in currency of transfer), or in Belarusian rubles (other foreign currency) at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (at cross-rates calculated based on the official rates of Belarusian ruble to the respective foreign currency, set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus) on the date of payment of remuneration (fees) for intra-republican transfer in foreign currency (if such a right is granted to a non-resident client by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the terms of the concluded contract).   
    Fees of other banks for the execution of international and domestic transfers, including transfers with a purchase, conversion (exchange), as well as transfers initiated by client orders for the purchase (conversion (exchange)) of foreign currency in the over-the-counter foreign exchange market), are additionally paid by the transfer’s payer, if the latter pays the transfer expenses, under request of JSC Belagroprombank, except for:
    transfers in Russian rubles;
    transfers upon return of a deposit placed with JSC Belagroprombank, or a part thereof, as well as transfers for the payment of interest accrued on a deposit
     The fee for other operations operations specified in the Subsection 4.3.4 includes fees of correspondent banks and telecommunication expenses.

    The fee for operations (except operations performed by beneficiaries - insurance companies, when the fee for acceptance and transfer of funds in foreign currency in favour of the beneficiary is charged in the amount stipulated by the contract between JSC Belagroprombank and the beneficiary - recipient of funds), specified in the Subsection 4.3. is charged irrespective from which account the payment is made (current account, credit record account, special, fund record account on a temporary basis, etc.,) except for  the deposit account .

    The fee is not applicable for the transfer of collected foreign currency cash to accounts with other banks

    - for collection of the client's cash;

    - for return of amounts of deposits placed with  JSC Belagroprombank and interest thereto. 

    Under clause 4.3.4, the fee may be charged from the transfer amount by reducing it. No fee is charged if it is equal to or greater than the transfer amount .
    Business lines are assigned to clients in accordance with the local regulatory legal acts of JSc Belagroprombank regulating the procedure for corporate clients' segnmentation.
    When a client's business line is amended in the current month, the transaction fee applicable to the amended client's business line shall be effective  from the 1st day of the month following the current month (for customers whose business line was changed from 01/01/2023, the transaction fee corresponding to changed business line of the client, applies from 01/01/2023).
    In case the expenses are paid by the payer, the payer is charged the remunaration fee in addition to the transfer amount.
    In case the expenses are paid by the beneficiary, the remuneration fee is charged from the transfer amount; in case when the transfer fee is equal to or less than the remuneration fee, the remunaretion fee shall not apply.
    Payments as per Clause 4.3.1. shall be performed mainly through correspondent Loro accounts, unless a different payment route is specified by the client. When it is impossible to send payments through Loro accounts, they should be sent through Nostro accounts.  

    4.4. Servicing of payment operations in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency
    4.4.1. Technical issuance of payment instructions on client's initiative 12,00 BYN                                    per document (VAT incl.) No later than the day of the operation
    4.4.2. Revocation  (change) of a payment order in Belarusian rubles and foreign currencies provided the bank has not started  the actual execution procedure on client's initiative (in cases specified by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus)1 6,00 BYN                                   per document  On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.4.3. Acceptance and processing of submitted for collection: •  payment requests with acceptance transferred: - in the electronic form 0,65 BYN
    per document
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month -in hard copy 10,00 BYN
    per document • payment requests of execution creditor transferred: - in the electronic form 3,50 BYN
    per document
    On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month -in hard copy 12,00 BYN
    per document
    4.4.4. Investigation into the funds (at the client's request) which have not arrived to the account within 1 month  10,00 BYN                                per request Upon receipt of the client's request
    4.4.5. EXCLUDED     
    4.4.6. EXCLUDED     
    4.4.7. Change of terms, cancellation of the payment order, change of details of the payment order in foreign currency3 fee of a correspondent bank No later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.4.8. Providing a payer with copies of SWIFT messages on the executed bank transfers  8,00 BYN
    per  copy
    Before obtaining the service
    4.4.9. Investigation into executed bank transfers at the client's request in foreign currency3 20 USD  + fee of a correspondent bank On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.4.10.  Issuance of copies of payment instructions and (or) statements on a personal  account at the client's request4  5,00  BYN
    per  document
    No later than the day of the operation
    4.4.11. Issue of certificates to clients (related to bank accounts held with the bank, cash flow on the client's accounts, account balance at the specific date, persons authorized to operate the account, debt on active banking operations etc.)5: 12,00 BYN
    per certificate
    No later than the day of the operation
    4.4.12 Issuing hard copy appendices to the statements on personal accounts in Belarusian rubles, received in the electronic form on client's initiative 1,00 BYN per appendix On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.4.13. Issuance of a statement on the account to which a corporate payment card is issued  2,50 BYN No later than the day of the operation
    4.4.14. Issuance on client's request of statements on personal accounts of MT 940 format through SWIFT channels to the head office or partners located in the Republic of Belarus or in other countries, extracts from personal accounts in the SWIFT MT 940 format by transferring them via the SWIFT messaging channels used by JSC Belagroprombank7                   30,00 BYN                          per month for each account indicated in the request For the first month on the date of an application acceptance, no later than the last operating day of the current month, for the next months - no later than the last day of the current month
    4.4.15. Support of a standing bank order8                     6,00 BYN              per month for 1 accepted for fulfillment document      For the first month on the date of an application acceptance, no later than the last operating day of the current month, for the next months - no later than the last day of the current month
    4.4.16. Funds reservation on account of immediate needs payments subject to the client's order                     4,50 BYN                 per month per 1 account On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.4.17. Servicing current (settlement) bank accounts in Belarusian rubles of the client not connected to the remote bank service system 9 20,00 BYN  per month  No later than the day of the operation
    Notes to Subsection 4.4.:

    The actual actions for executing payment instructions are: 

    - crediting of funds into a correspondent account "Loro", "Nostro";

    - debiting funds from "Loro", "Nostro" accounts;

    - crediting of funds to the beneficiary's account

    - other actions defined by the legislation.

    2. Under clause fee is not charged for payment requests of execution creditor not accepted by AIS IDO.
    3. Fees in Clauses 4.4.7., 4.4.9. are charged:
        - from clients-residents of the Republic of Belarus in Belarusian rubles at the official rate of the Belarusian ruble to the respective foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment of remuneration (fee) and (or) fee refund by the client;
        - from non-resident clients in foreign currency (currency of transfer) or in Belarusian rubles (other foreign currency) at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (at cross-rates calculated based on the official rates of Belarusian ruble to respective foreign currency) on the date of payment of remuneration (fees) and (or) fee refund by the client (if such a right is granted to a non-resident client by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the terms of the concluded contract). When carrying out a properly executed international bank transfer, commissions charged by foreign banks "for investigation" (additionally requested clarifications of a foreign bank on the compliance procedure) are not subject to reimbursement to corporate clients. In these cases the client is not charged with the fee is in accordance with clause 4.4.9.
    4. The fee for the operations specified in Clause 4.4.10. is not charged when under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus the client is provided with an additional copy of payment instruction, a copy of the payment instruction issued as the hard copy for electronic payments with the bank's record on execution thereof.
    5. The fee is not charged for the issuance of a certificate required for the provision of a loan by JSC Belagroprombank to the customer.
    6. EXCLUDED 
    7. The statement may be provided daily in the presence or absence of account activity. The fee under Clause 4.4.14. is charged in the full amount regardless of the presence of turnover on the client's accounts, frequency of provided statements and their quantity. 
    8. The fee under Clause 4.4.15. for the first and the following months is charged in the full amount regardless of quantity of operations and dates of their performance.

    Maintaining a current (settlement) bank account in Belarusian rubles means servicing by the Bank of the current (settlement) bank account  in Belarusian rubles held in the name of a client who is not connected to the subsystem "Internet-Client" ("Bank-Client") of the remote bank service system, provided that debiting operations in Belarusian rubles are performed on such accounts exclusive of:

    -payment of commission by the client in favour of JSC Belgroprombank; 

    -operations on debeting account based on the payment order of the Automated Information System on Monetary Obligations Fulfilment (AIS MOF);
    -operations on transfer of customer's balance  upon closure of the customer's current (settlement) bank account, including to JSC Belagroprombank's settlement account with other creditors or to income accounts of JSC Belagroprombank.
     The fee as per Clause  4.4.17 shall be charged on all client's current (settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles (except special accounts and subaccounts).
    The fee as per Clause  4.4.17 for the first and each subsequent month shall be charged regardless of the quantity of operations and the date of perfromance thereof.
    The fee as per Clause  4.4.17 shall not be charged:
            - to the client in case in the reporting month there have been no debiting operations on any of the client's current (settlement) bank accounts in Belarusian rubles;
            - to institutions and organizations funded from state budget;
            - to clients connected to the service package for societies (associations) of veterans and disabled people "SUPPORT FROM BELAGROPROMBANK".

    4.5. Remote banking service (RBS) 
    4.5.1. Registration, installation and connection to "Internet-Client" subsystem of the RBS system2   -   the client is provided  the machine-readable medium for recording and storing private keys of electronic digital signature and encryption 17,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the month during which the operations and (or) services were carried out   - the client provided the machine-readable medium for recording and storage of private keys of electronic digital signature and encryption  5,5 BYN
    4.5.2. "Internet-Client" subsystem of the RBS system user fee3                     20,00 BYN                     per month No later than the last business day of the month during which the operations and (or) services were carried out
    4.5.3. "Internet-Client" subsystem of the RBS system troubleshooting by the specialist of JSC Belagroprombank 20,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the month during which the operations and (or) services were carried out
    4.5.4. Provision of an additional machine-readable medium for recording and storage of private keys of electronic digital signature and encryption within the "Internet-Client" subsystem (including reissuance of the machine-readable medium carrier due to its loss or damage)  BYN 22,00  No later than the last business day of the month during which the operations and (or) services were carried out
    4.5.5. Remote notifications about the operations, decisions, events within the framework of a bank account agreement
    (Viber / SMS/e-mail)1, 5
    BYN 2,50 per month No later than the last business day of the month during which the operations and (or) services were carried out
    4.5.6. Centralized management of cash flows (in Belarusian rubles) of the client using the Cash-Pooling service⁵:      · subscription fee for transferring funds from the master account to the             participating account(s) and from the participating account(s) to the                master account BYN 45,00 per month No later than the last operating day of the current month  · subscription fee for transferring funds from the master account to the       participating account(s)  BYN 25,00 per month No later than the last operating day of the current month      · subscription fee for transferring funds from the participating account(s)           to the master account BYN 25,00 per month No later than the last operating day of the current month 
    4.5.7. Providing an opportunity to control financial flows (in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency)⁵:      · providing the parent organization with a review of cash balances on the          participating accounts of the subordinate organization (s), as well as the          formation of statements on the participating accounts of the subordinate          organization (s) BYN 2,00 per month  for each participating account No later than the last operating day of the current month        • providing the parent organization with control over debit transactions                        (acceptance) on the participating accounts of the subordinate organization(s) BYN 4,00 per month  for each participating account No later than the last operating day of the current month 
    Notes to Subsection 4.5.:
    1. The fee for the operations specified in Clauses 4.5.1. - 4.5.7 is not charged from institutions and organizations financed from the state budget. 
    2. The fee for the operations specified in Clauses 4.5.1. is not charged from the corporate customer is not charged from a legal entity in case of its reorganization through merger or acquisition, if such legal entity at the moment of reorganization has a previously concluded  agreement for usage of the "Internet-Client" subsystem. 

    The fee for the operations specified in Clauses 4.5.2. for the month in which the subsystem "Internet-Client" is connected,shall be charged pro rata to the number of days starting from the day of signing a bank services agreement with the usage of subsystem "Internet-Client" till the last day of the given month, to the total number of calendar days of the month.

    The fee is not charged when the Bank terminates to perform operations for a client on a temporary basis through the system of remote banking services in accordance with procedures stipulated by the local legal acts of JSC Belagroprombank. 

    When diconnecting a client from the the system of remote banking services due to termination of the agreement, the user fee under Clause  4.5.2. shall be charged for the entire month during which the customer was disconnected from the subsystem, irrespective of the disconnection date. When disconnecting a client from the services package that includes the Internet-Client subssystem user fee, the fee under Clause 4.5.2. shall be charged from the 1st day of the month following the month on which the client was disconnected from the services package.

    In case of failure to pay overdue fees (remuneration) for the services rendered before the last business day of the month in which the overdue payment (remuneration) was recorded, the fee(remuneration) in accordance with Clause 4.5.2. is not applicable and shall not be charged.  The fee for the operations for the month when the RBS system was unblocked for the client shall be charged in full amount.

    Clients have access to FM "Marketplace" in the RBS system from the moment of connection to the Internet-Client subsystem.


    The fee as per Clause 4.5.5. for the first and subsequent months is charged in full amount irrespective of the quantity of operations and the date of operation. 

    The fee as per Clause 4.5.5. shall not be charged in case the client has not provided with any informational messages in the current month.

    5. The fee for operations specified in Clauses 4.5.6.-4.5.7. for the first and subsequent months of the provision of Cash-Pooling services (including the month in which the contract for the provision of the Cash-Pooling service is terminated) is charged in full, regardless of the number of transactions and the date of their implementation.

    The fee for operations specified in Clauses 4.5.6.-4.5.7. is not charged for the month in which the provision of Cash-Pooling services to the client is temporarily suspended in the manner prescribed by local legal acts of JSC "Belagroprombank"

    The fee for the month in which the temporary suspension of the provision of Cash-Pooling services was canceled (according to the application of the client) is charged in full.
    4.6.  Cashier servicing in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency
    4.6.1. Cash withdrawals  in Belarusian rubles from accounts of legal entities and individual enterpreneurs 4% of the amount   On the day of cash withdrawal from the account, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.6.2. Acceptance of cash as payment for goods, works and other services and transferring thereof to the receivers' current (settlement) accounts: 1   - from legal entities and their individual subdivisions  2% of the amount Upon receipt of payment   - from individual entrepreneurs 1,5% of the amount Upon receipt of payment
    4.6.3. Acceptance of proceeds from clients of other banks and further crediting thereof to current (settlement) accounts and other accounts · through a cash desk of JSC Belagroprombank: 1 % of the amount   The fee is deducted from the amount of the proceeds received while transfering funds to the client · through the automated deposit machine 1,5% of the amount  
    4.6.4. Acceptance of cash in Belarusian rubles2: · through a cash desk of JSC Belagroprombank:   - from clients of JSC Belagroprombank for crediting thereof to current (settlement) accounts or other accounts with JSC Belagroprombank   0,25% of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month or in terms established in the agreement for cash reception in Belarusian rubles  - from notaries for crediting thereof to current (settlement) accounts or other territorial notary chambers' accounts  with JSC Belagroprombank  0,2% of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month or in terms established in the agreement for cash reception in Belarusian rubles  - from clients of JSC Belagroprombank for crediting thereof to current (settlement) accounts or other accounts with JSC Belagroprombank, via automatic deposit machine 0,15 of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.6.5. Cash withdrawals of foreign currency from accounts of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs3 2% of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    4.6.6. Acceptance from corporate customers and individual entrepreneurs of cash in foreign currency for crediting thereof to their accounts, accounts of the receivers: 3 · opened in JSC Belagroprombank 0,5 % of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month · opened in other banks 1,7% of the amount On the date of operation, no later than the last operating day of the current month, or within the terms specified in the contract 
    4.6.7. Sale of commemorative coins of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and coin boxes   Sale price of the NB RB  + 25% (single payment incl. VAT) At the moment of the operation
    Notes to Subsection 4.6.:
    1. The fee under Clause 4.6.2. is not charged for acceptance of cash in Belarusian rubles when paying off taxes, fees, other obligatory payments in the republican and local budgets, including state special budget funds, and (or) obligatory payments into the social fund of the population of the Labour Ministry and social protection of the Republic of Belarus.
    2. Under 4.6.4 other accounts opened with JSC Belagroprombank include special accounts, sub-accounts, charitable accounts, trust management accounts.
    The fee under Clause is charged from the territory Notary Chamber.

    The fee under Clauses 4.6.5., 4.6.6. is charged:

    - from clients-residents of the Republic of Belarus in Belarusian rubles at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the date of payment of remuneration (fee) for acceptance/ withdrawal of cash in foreign currency;

    - from non-resident clients in foreign currency (in transaction currency), or in Belarusian rubles (other foreign currency) at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (cross-rates calculated based on the official rates of the Belarusian ruble set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus to respective foreign currency)  on the date of payment of remuneration (fee) for acceptance / withdrawal of foreign currency cash (if such a right is granted to a non-resident client by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the terms of the concluded agreement).

    No fee is charged for accepting foreign currency in cash from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for crediting to their accounts and beneficiaries' accounts opened with  JSC Belagroprombank.

    The fee under Clause is chareged from client of JSC Belagroprombank to whose account the foreign currency is credited. 

    4.7. Closing of accounts:
    4.7.1. Closing of the accounts at the initiative of the client (current (settlement) account; an account for recording of funds received by republican governmental bodies, local executive and administrative bodies and budget organizations from business and other income-generating activities; trust account; temporary account):1   - if a client has any other account with JSC Belagroprombank                    6,50 BYN                 for each account No later than the day of the operation  -  if a client has no other account with JSC Belagroprombank                   62,00 BYN                  for each account No later than the day of the operation
    Notes to Subsection 4.7.:
    1.    The fee under Clause 4.7.1. shall not be charged upon closure of the client's accounts:
    - due to changes of the internal structure (reorganization of separated subdivisions) of JSC Belagroprombank;
    - upon closing a temporary account, subject to the transfer of funds to the current (settlement) bank account of a business entity opened with JSC Belagroprombank;
    - upon termination of activity by the business entity due to liquidation, reorganization (including structural subdivisions of the business entity), termination of the enterrpreneurship activity;    
    - upon initiating bankruptcy proceeding, being at the stage of liquidation / termination of entrepreneurial activity of a business entity;
    - at the initiative of JSC Belagroprombank due to the lack of movement on the account in accordance with  the terms of the existing agreements;
    - special accounts, sub-accounts opened in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
    - in other cases of account closure in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    In the event that all accounts of the client’s structural unit (legal entity) are closed, if there are accounts of the client’s parent organization (legal entity) and (or) other structural units of the client (legal entity), account closure fees are charged in accordance with clause
    5. Documentary operations
    5.1. Collection1
    5.1.1. Acceptance, verification and forwarding of  payment instructions for exported goods for collection  0,15% of the amount,
    min.20 USD ,
     max. 500 USD           
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.1.2. Providing a client with documents against acceptance or payment on the collection received 0,15% of the amount,
     min. 20 USD ,
     max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.1.3. Issuance of collection documents without acceptance or payment  0,05% of the amount,
     min. 10 USD ,
     max. 150 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.1.4. Change of terms or cancellation  of the collection order             25 USD                        On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.1.5. Return of documents not paid by the client         50 USD                        On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    Notes to Subsection 5.1.:      
    1. The fee determined in foreign currency is charged in Belarusian rubles as per official rate of Belarusian ruble to foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus effective on the date of fee collection, except when the fee is paid by the non-resident of the Republic of Belarus. 
    5.2. Documentary letter of credit operations  1
    5.2.1. Opening of a letter of credit, prolongation of the letter of credit, increase of the amount of letter of credit 2 0, 15% of the amount of the letter of credit/depending on the outstanding balance/depending on the amount of increase;
    min. 50 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.2. Outstanding liability under the letter of credit 2 min. 1,5% per annum,
    max. 5% per annum
    of the amount of the liability
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.3. Letter of credit confirmation, change of the terms and conditions of the confirmed by Belagroprombank letter of credit, depending on  prolongation of the letter of credit and increase of the amount of the letter of credit (at the moment of the confirmation) 2: • upon provision of the coverage 0,2% of the amount of the letter of credit/outstanding balance/increase of the amount,
    min. 50 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs • without provision of the coverage min. 2%, max. 4%  per annum of the amount of the letter of credit/outstanding balance/increase of the amount,
    min. 200 USD •  under the guarantee of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: - for the term up to 1 year 0,5% per annum of the amount of the letter of credit/
    outstanding balance/amount of increase,
    min. USD 200 per quarter  or its part
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs - for the term over 1 year 1% per annum of the amount of the letter of credit/
    outstanding balance/amount of increase,
    min. USD 200 per quarter  or its part
    5.2.4. Advising of the letter of credit for the client 2 0,1% of the amount,
    min. 50 USD ,
    max. 200 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.5. Advising of a letter of credit to the third bank 50 USD for each message On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.6. Preliminary advising of a letter of credit  30 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.7. Transfer of a letter of credit2 0,2% of a transferred sum of the letter of credit ,
    min. 50 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.8. Changing of terms of the letter of credit  (excepting changes defined in Clause 5.2.1.) 40 USD
     per each amendment (field)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.9. Advising of changes in a letter of credit 40 USD 
    per each amendment (message)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.10. Acceptance, verification and dispatch of the letter of credit documents 0,15% of the amount,
    min. 40 USD ,
    max. 1500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs verification of the documents witin  3-5 banking days following the day of receipt of documents3 0,15% of the amount,
    min. 40 USD,
    max. 1500 USD
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs express verification of documents no later than 2 banking days following the day of receipt of documents (at the client's request)3
    0,25% of the amount,
    min. 50 USD,
    max. 1600 USD verification of documents replaced or additionally submitted  in order to eliminate inconsistencies identified during the initial verification 4, 5 25 USD
    per each package of documents acceptance of documents with  inconcistencies 5, 6 40 USD
    per each package of documents
    5.2.11. Payment under the letter of credit 0,15% of the amount,
    min. 40 USD ,
    max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.12. Acceptance and dispatch of the letter of credit documents without verification of the third bank 50 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.2.13. Cancellation of the letter of credit before the end of the maturity 40 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    Notes to Subsection 5.2.:
    1. The fee determined in foreign currency is charged in Belarusian rubles as per official rate of Belarusian ruble to foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus effective on the date of fee collection, except when the fee is paid by the non-resident of the Republic of Belarus. 
    2. The fee as per Clauses 5.2.1. - 5.2.4., 5.2.7. is calculated based on the maximum amount of liabilities under the letter of credit (including tolerance) as of the date of operation.

    Does not include the time required to send documents between departments of JSC Belagroprombank. 

    The fee as per Clause 5.2.10.,  is calculated based on the amount due for payment against the documents sumbitted under the letter of credit.

    4. Full replacement of documents is considered as a new presentation.  In this case, the fee is charged  as per Clause or,
    and the fee as per Clause shall not apply.
    5. The fee as per Clauses, is charged from the beneficiary,unless otherwise is provided for by the terms and conditions  of a letter of credit or the agreement with the client (ordering customer).
    6. The fee as per Clause shall apply for import letters of credit in case when JSC Belagroprombank is a performing bank.
    5.3. Bank guarantees and surety bonds
    5.3.1. Bank guarantees and suretyship (legal entities and individual enterpreneurs)1 Drawing up and issuance of internal bank guarantees/surety bonds by order of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from 07.10.2016 through 08.06.2017 (prolongation of the expiry date of the guarantee/surety bond, increase of an original amount of the guarantee) in Belarusian rubles or in foreign currency 1,2 1,8% per annum 
    of the amount of suretyship,
    min. 50 USD
    Within the terms set forth in the agreement Issuance of a guarantee:2 domestic guarantee: guarantees to ensure obligations to pay for goods of Belarusian production upon purchase from their manufacturer 0,3% of the amount of the guarantee,    min 25 USD Within the terms set forth in the agreement guarantees to customs guarantors 0,1% of the amount of the guarantee,    min 150 BYN Within the terms set forth in the agreement guarantees for other purposes 0,5% of the amount of the guarantee,    min 50 USD Within the terms set forth in the agreement international guarantee  0,5% of the amount of the guarantee,    min 50 USD Within the terms set forth in the agreement Servicing of a guarantee: 2 domestic guarantee: guarantees to ensure obligations to pay for goods of Belarusian production upon purchase from their manufacturer 1,0% per annum of the amount of the guarantee,   min 25 USD Within the terms set forth in the agreement guarantees to customs guarantors 0,9 % per annum of the amount of the guarantee,   min 150 BYN Within the terms set forth in the agreement guarantees to customs guarantors (during the recourse period) ³ 0,32% per annum of the amount of the guarantee Within the terms set forth in the agreement for other purposes 1,5% per annum of the amount of the guarantee,   min 50 USD Within the terms set forth in the agreement international guarantee 2,8% per annum of the amount of the guarantee                                     Within the terms set forth in the agreement Advising of a guarantee without any obligations on the part of JSC Belagroprombank 0,15% of the amount of the guarantee,
     min. 50 USD,
    max. 150 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Amendment into the terms and conditions of the guarantee (increase of the guarantee amount, term prolongation, change of other terms and conditions) 40 USD
    per each amendment (message)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Advising of amendments to the guarantee without any obligations on the part of JSC Belagroprombank  50 USD
    per each amendment (message)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Acceptance, verification and dispatch of a claim and other documents under the guarantee issued by JSC Belagroprombank 0,15% of the claim amount,
    min. 50 USD ,
    max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Requesting of payment under the guarantee issued by another bank 40 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Payment under the guarantee issued by JSC Belagroprombank  0,15% of the amount of the payment,
    min. 50 USD,
    max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Cancellation of a guarantee before its expiry date  50 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    Notes to Subsection 5.3.1.:

    The fee determined in foreign currency is charged in Belarusian rubles as per official rate of Belarusian ruble to foreign currencies set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus effective on the date of the fee (remuneration) collection, except when the fee is paid by the non-resident of the Republic of Belarus.

    The fee (remuneration) for issuance of guarantees in foreign currency shall be charged from non-residents of the Republic of Belarus provided that the principal monetary obligation between the principal and the beneficiary is expressed in foreign currency.
    The fee under clause and clause for registration and issuance of a guarantee from clients - residents of the Republic of Belarus are charged in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to foreign currencies set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of collection of the fee (remuneration).

    2. Fee for issuance and servicing of guarantees issued before 30.06.2021 incl., shall be charged in the amount set forth in the terms and conditions of active contracts (additional agreements to contracts) signed before 30.06.2021. The fee under clauses and shall be charged under to bank guarantee agreements concluded after October 05, 2022
    3. The fee is applied when providing a corporate client with a guarantee in accordance with the terms of the specification of the banking product "Bank guarantee for customs guarantors".
    5.3.2. Bank guarantees and surety bonds (banks) Drawing up and issuance of a guarantee by order of banks (prolongation of guarantee, increase of guarantee original amount)1 3% per annum
    of the amount of the guarantee
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Advising of a guarantee without any obligations on the part of JSC Belagroprombank1 0,15% of the amount of the guarantee,
     min. 50 USD ,
    max. 150 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Change of terms of a guarantee (except changes defined in Clauses 40 USD
    per each amendment (message)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Advising of changes to a guarantee without any obligations on the part of JSC Belagroprombank1  50 USD
    per each amendment (message)
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Acceptance, verification and dispatch of a claim and other documents under the guarantee issued by JSC Belagroprombank1 0,15% of the claim amount,
    min. 50 USD ,
    max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Requesting of payment under a guarantee issued by another bank1 40 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Payment under a guarantee issued by JSC Belagroprombank1  0,15% of the amount of the payment,
    min. 50 USD,
    max. 500 USD 
    On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs Cancellation of a guarantee before its expiry date5  50 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    Notes to Subsection 5.3.2.:
    1. The fee determined in foreign currency is charged in Belarusian rubles as per official rate of Belarusian ruble to foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus effective on the date of fee collection, except when the fee is paid by the non-resident of the Republic of Belarus. 
    5.4. Other1
    5.4.1. Request of the client (correspondent bank) to the bank of the information under a documentary operation or transfer thereof                    15 USD                         per each SWIFT message On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.4.2. Confirmation of authenticity of the documentary operation 40 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.4.3. Submission of a reimbursement claim 30 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.4.4. Issue of a reimbursement obligation, prolongation of a reimbursement obligation, increase of the amount of a reimbursement obligation • on provision of the coverage 0,15% of the amount of the obligation/outstanding balance/increase of the amount for a quarter or its part,                       min. 50 USD,                            max. 500 USD  On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs • without provision of the coverage min. 2 %, max. 5% per annum of the amount of the obligation/outstanding balance/increase of the amount,                       min. 200 USD per month                           
    5.4.5. Change of the terms of a reimbursement obligation (except changes defined in  Clause 5.4.4.) 50 USD per each amendment (SWIFT-message) On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.4.6. Payment under a reimbursement obligation 50 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    5.4.7. Cancellation of a rimbursement obligation before its expiry date  70 USD On the day of the operation, or under the agreement, or in compliance with peculiarities of international regulations and customs
    Notes to Subsection 5.4.:
    1. The fee determined in foreign currency is charged in Belarusian rubles as per official rate of Belarusian ruble to foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus effective on the date of fee collection, except when the fee is paid by the non-resident of the Republic of Belarus. 
    6. Foreign currency operations 
    6.1. EXCLUDED     
    6.2. Sale of foreign currency at auction of the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange":1    
    6.2.1. up to 30 000 US dollars in the equivalent 0,6% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    At the time of crediting of the ruble equivalent for the sold foreign currency
    6.2.2. from 30 000 to 100 000 US dollars in the equivalent 0,3% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    6.2.3. starting from 100 000 US dollars in the equivalent 0,2% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    6.3.  Purchase of foreign currency at auction of the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange"1
    6.3.1.  up to 30 000 US dollars in the equivalent 1% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    At the time of crediting of the purchased foreign currency
    6.3.2.  starting from 30 000 to 100 000 US dollars in the equivalent 0,5% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    6.3.3.  starting from 100 000US dollars in the equivalent 0,2% of the amount
    of the ruble equivalent
     (incl. exchange fee)
    6.4. Acceptance for collection of suspicious foreign banknotes ² 4% of the amount
    of foreign currency
     (min. 4 USD ) 
    No later than the day of the operation
    6.5. Registration of currency agreement 12 BYN (VAT incl.) per agreement Upon completion of the service, but no later than the last business day of the month in which the registration was carried out  
    Notes to Section 6:

    The fee for the operations specified in Clauses 6.2., 6.3. is charged in Belarusian rubles. The fee is not applicable to sale/purchase of foreign currency at the expense of republican and local budgets. 

    Under Clauses 6.2 and 6.3 the amount in the dollar equivalent is determined individually under each application, based on the conversion cross rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of application. Rounding of amounts in dollar equivalent is performed acording to mathematical rounding methods. 

    To operations in Euro:

    when selling foreign currency, the client pays additionally the fee for the transfer of funds in the amount established by the correspondent bank (JSC ASB Belarusbank)  to JSC Belagroprombank. The fee is paid in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the euro, established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment;
    when buying foreign currency and transferring the purchased foreign currency in accordance with the client's order to the accounts opened with JSC "ASB Belarusbank", the client pays additionally the fee for the transfer of funds in the amount established by the correspondent bank (JSC ASB Belarusbank) to JSC Belagroprombank. The fee is paid in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the euro, established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment.


    The fee specified in Clause 6.4. is charged in Belarusian rubles at the official rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of operation.
    Fees of correspondent banks, taxes, charges, duties, postal fees, telecommunication and other contingency fee are charged to the client additionally and paid in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate for the relevant foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the date of refund.

    The fee specified in Clause 6.4. is not charged when accepting funds for collection from authorized state bodies in respect of which there is a court decision (determination, ruling, sentence) issued in accordance with the law on confiscation or transfer to state revenue in another way or a decision of the criminal prosecution body on transfer to state revenue, subject to enrollment by a state body in the income of the republican budget.

    7.1. Brokerage service
    7.1.1. Drawing up of a brokerage service agreement ¹ 40,00 BYN No later than the third business day following the day of signing the agreement
    7.1.2. Operations on purchase/sale of securities on behalf  and  on behalf of and at the expense of a client under the brokerage service agreement, a commission contract, and be it further due to cancellation or terms modification of transaction (by the parties' agreement):² •  Bonds: 0,01% of the operation amount
    (min. 40,00 BYN per one operation, max. 300,00 BYN per one operation)
    No later than the fifth business day of the month following the reporting month •  Shares 0,1% of the operations amount
    (min. 40,00 BYN and max. 300,00 BYN of the operations made during the day)
    No later than the fifth business day of the month following the reporting month
    7.1.3. Submission, on behalf of the client, of an indicative request for purchase/sale of securities in the Belarusian automatic quotation system of JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange"  15,00 BYN Prior to submission of an indicative request
    7.1.4. Provision of services related to arrangement of issue and placement of securities Arrangement of the issue of securities of residents of the Republic of Belarus  placed through a private sale (subscriptoin), per issue                  2200,00 BYN                  (incl. VAT) Within the terms set forth in the agreement for the provision of services related to arrangement of the issue of securities  placed through a public sale (subscriptoin), per issue                  2700,00 BYN                  (incl. VAT) Within the terms set forth in the agreement for the provision of services related to arrangement of the issue of securities Arrangement of the issue of securities of local executive and administrative bodies, per issue 1800,00 BYN (incl. VAT) Within the terms set forth in the agreement for the provision of services related to arrangement of the issue of securities Public sale of securities on the organized market  on behalf of the issuer of securities within the brockerage services contract3 0,015% of the operation amount          (min. BYN 40,00  
    per one operation, max. BYN 300,00 per one operation)
    No later than the fifth business day of the month following the reporting month Public sale (subscription) of securities on the over-the-counter market 0,2% of the issue volume Within 3 business days after signing the acceptance act of work completed (services rendered) Introducing amendments into the issue documents regarding the registered securities issue, per issue 250,00 BYN (VAT incl.) Within the terms set forth in the agreement for Introducing amendments into the issue documents Provision of advisory services to clients on transactions with securities and professional activities in the securities market 50,00 BYN (VAT incl.) Within 3 business days after signing the acceptance act of work completed (services rendered)
    Notes to Subsection 7.1.:
    1. The fee specified in Clause 7.1.1. is not charged under the agreement on brokerage service, which includes organization, placement and servicing of securities issues.

    For the operation, and  in case of cancellation or modification of the transaction (by parties' agreement), in currency other than Belarusian ruble,the fee for the operation specified in Clause 7.1.2. is calculated as follows:  the amount of transaction (the second leg)  is converted into Belarusian rubles at the rate based on the official Belarusian ruble/foreign currency exchange rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of  the operation.
    In case of cancellation or modification of the REPO transaction (by agreement of the parties), the fee for the operation as per Clause 7.1.2. is charged  off the amount of the second leg of the cancelled or modified REPO transacion. 

    The fees of the trade organizer shally be additionally paid according to the tarrifs of the JSC Belarusian Stock Exchange. 


    In case of operation in currency other than Belarusian ruble,the fee for the operation specified in Clause is calculated as follows: the amount of operation is converted into Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against  foreign currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the operation.

    The fees of the trade organizer shally be additionally paid according to the tarrifs of the JSC Belarusian Stock Exchange.

    7.2. Provision of depository services to the issuer 1‚7
    7.2.1. Opening of a "depo" account for the issuer ² 45,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.2. Preparation of the electronic register of holders of issuer's securities (one-off fee for each issue of the issuer's securities)   - manual input of the source information from hard copy forms and documents  (filling in the questionnaire of a depositor, opening of a savings "depo" account,  intra-depositary transfer of securities) 6,00 BYN
    per one securities holder, min. 30,00 BYN 
    No later than the last business day of the reporting month • when entering primary information manually from paper forms and documents (filling out a depositor's questionnaire, opening a savings  "depo"account, crediting securities by intra-depositary transfer)  4,00 BYN
    per 1 securities holder    - input of information from digital and magnetic media (in the agreed form) when switching from another depositary 0,50 BYN
    per one securities holder, min. 30,00 BYN    - in other cases under the legislation 0,80 BYN
    per one securities holder, min.
    30,00 BYN
    7.2.3. Acceptance for depositary storage on the  "depo" account of an issuer of each securities issue including additional issue (one-off fee)  19,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.4. Monthly user fee for depositary service 3:  - of a "depo" account of an issuer when there are no opened "depo" accounts  to holders of his securities in the depositary of JSC Belagroprombank  17,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month  -  of an issuer of shares and (or) bonds (depending on the quantity of securities holders who are clients of the depositary of JSC Belagroprombank):  - up to 10 27,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month  - 11-50 32,00 BYN  - 51 - 100 37,00 BYN  - 101 - 200 48,00 BYN  - 201 - 300 52,00 BYN  - 301 - 500 60,00 BYN  - 501 - 1000 76,00 BYN  - 1001 - 2000 93,00 BYN  - 2001 - 3000 115,00 BYN  - 3001 - 4000 135,00 BYN  - 4001 - 5000 150,00 BYN  - 5001 - 7000 162,00 BYN  - over 7000 260,00 BYN
    7.2.5. Transfers during securities circulation on the "depo" account  of an issuer (fee is charged per each transfer):  • intra-depositary transfer with exclusion of the blocking/unblocking of pledged securities as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire:        - securities blocking for participation in the trading session on the stock exchange     20,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month        - on other grounds under the legislation 4 13,00 BYN  • inter-depositary transfer with exclusion of the blocking/unblocking of pledged securities as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire   20,00 BYN  • blocking/unblocking of pledged securities  as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire 20,00 BYN
    7.2.6. Operation "Registry fee" - provided that the issuer's registered securities are placed in several depositories of the depositary system of the Republic of Belarus (for each issue of registered securities )  16,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.7. Preparation  and provision of the hard copy register of holders of issuer's registered securities, the list of persons who are authorized to take part in the general shareholders meeting, the list of persons who are authorized to draw dividends, check lists etc. at his written request (depending on the quantity of the securities holders of the serviced issuer) (charged per each document):  - up to 50  20,00 BYN   No later than the last business day of the reporting month  - 51 - 100  25,00 BYN  - 101 - 500  35,00 BYN  - 501 - 1000  45,00 BYN  - 1001 - 2000  60,00 BYN  - 2001 - 3000  75,00 BYN  - 3001 - 5000  95,00 BYN  - over 5000  115,00 BYN
    7.2.8. Preparation and provision at the issuer's request of the register of holders of the registered issuer's securities, the list of persons who are authorized to take part in the general shareholders meeting, the list of persons who are authorized to draw dividends,  check lists and etc. in the electronic form additionally to a hard copy (charged per each document):  25,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.9. Issuing of a "depo" account ("depo" account section) statement  at the issuer's request for the past periods other than the current trading day  10,00 BYN
    per statement
    No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.10. Information distribution to holders of the issuer's securities at his request 5 10,00 BYN
    per letter
    No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.11. Storage on the issuer's "depo" account of the issuer's securities issue with whom the depositary has not concluded a depositary service agreement (charged per each issue) ⁶ 10,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.12. Preparation of a draft "depo" order on the transfer of registered securities for an issuer  6,00 BYN
    per each order
    No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.13. Calculation (accrual) of dividends on the issuer's shares on his behalf   50,00 BYN per each statement +
    0,20 BYN per each securities holder 
    No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.14. Transfer of securities from "depo" accounts of securities holders to a "depo" account "Unidentified holder" when the issuer switches to another depositary (the fee is collected from the issuer)  0,60 BYN
    per  transfer
    No later than the expiry date of the agreement
    7.2.15. Providing of an additional information at the issuer's written request (information related to depositary service, for accounting purposes etc.)  25,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.16. Crediting to the depositor's "depo" account of securities acquired by him as a subject of privatization during the issuer's privatization process (the fee is charged from the issuer for each credit)   15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.17. Writing-off of the issue of securities (part of issue) which were withdrawn  from central storage from  a "depo" account (charged per each issue (or its part)  16,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.2.18. Preparation of electronic and (or) hard copy draft documents relating to transfers of securities, lists of securities holders for dividends payment on the issuer's shares through RUE "Belpost" branches etc. (depending on the number of securities holders of the serviced issuer):  - up to 20 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month  - 21-50 25,00 BYN  - 51 - 100 35,00 BYN  - 101 - 200 45,00 BYN  - 201 - 300 55,00 BYN  - 301 - 500 70,00 BYN  - 501 - 1000 100,00 BYN  - 1001 - 2000 170,00 BYN  - 2001 - 3000 250,00 BYN  - 3001 - 4000 300,00 BYN  - 4001 - 5000 350,00 BYN  - 5001 - 7000 400,00 BYN  - over 7000 500,00 BYN
    7.2.19. EXCLUDED     
    7.2.20. Request processing for repayment (yield payment) on securities (charged per each request) 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.21. Prepairing the necessary documents and performance of other works at closing of a "depo" account of the issuer:  • on termination (cancellation) of the agreement for depository sevices of the issuer when the issuer switches to another depositary  - for joint-stock company 4650,00 BYN No later than the expiry date of the agreement  - for legal entities of other legal form 800,00 BYN  • under other conditions (on the initiative of the issuer that is not a joint-stock company) 100,00 BYN No later than the expiry date of the agreement
    7.2.22. Storage of undocumented mortgage on the issuer's "depo" account  (the fee is charged per each undocumented mortgage) 9,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.23. Crediting of undocumented mortgage handed over for centralized storage 18,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.24. Debiting of undocumented mortgage removed from centralized storage   18,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.25. Processing of information on undocumented mortgage received from  RUE "Republican Central Securities Depository of Securities", in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.26. Transfers during the process of book-entry pledge instruments on an issuer's "depo" account  (charged per each transfer) : intra-depositary: 13,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month inter-depositary: 20,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.27 Conducting of accounting custody transactions (withdrawal / crediting) with securities based on the results of trading on the organized market 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.28 Transfer of the issuer's securities issue, in cases specified by law, to RUE "RCSDS" to the "depo" account "Unidentified owner" (charged for each transfer of securities' issue of the able to pay issuer ) 95,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    7.2.29 Transfer in accordance with the legislation of escheated, arrested, confiscated, converted into state revenue in another way, foreclosed securities (charged from the issuer for each transfer) 18,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month 
    Notes to Subsection 7.2.:
    1. The fee for the operations specified in Clause 7.2. is not applicable to issuers who are in the process of liquidation or have already been liquidated on the basis of information on the liquidation of a legal entity available to the depositary.
    2. The fee specified in Clause 7.2.1.shall not apply in case of opening of a "depo" account  for an issuer when the issuer switches to the banks' depositary service from another bank's depositary. 
    3. The fee specified in Clause 7.2.4. includes the servicing of holders' registers of  issuer's securities; storage of information about the issuer, its issues, holders of issuer's securities; storage of primary documentation, if necessary the particulars of the income payment  on securities, amendment of available  information about the issuer, the holders of its securities; opening (closing) of  "depo" savings accounts of depositors; consulting services under the existing agreement. The user fee for depository services is charged monthly in full during the term of the agreement for depository services of the issuer, including for an incomplete month of service.
    4. The fee specified in Clauses is not applicable to transfer of bonds issued by JSC Belagroprombank to a "depo" account of JSC Belagroprombank,  repayment (early repayment) thereof in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.   
    5. The fee specified in Clause 12.6 of the Fee Guide shall not be additionally charged for information dispatch to the holders of issuer's securities at the issuer's request  (Clause 7.2.10. of the Fee Guide) 
    6. No fee is charged for keeping issues of government bonds of the Republic of Belarus on a "depo" account. 
    7. Under agreements for depository services to the issuer concluded with republican government bodies, local executive and administrative bodies and budgetary organizations, the fee under clause 7.2 (except for clause 7.2.14 and clause 7.2.21) may be charged within the time limits established the terms of such an agreement, which differ from the deadline for payment of remuneration (fees) established by the Fee Guide.
    7.3. Custody services for a depositor (having a "depo" savings account or an agreement concluded with a bank for depository services) ¹ 
    7.3.1. Opening of a "depo" account  (re-opening of the previously opened "depo" savings account) on the basis of the depositary service agreement ³´⁴       • for the resident 40,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month       • for the non-resident 250,00 BYN
    7.3.2. Transfers during the process of securities circulation on a depositor's "depo" account  (charged per each transfer) :  • intra-depositary with exclusion of the blocking/unblockingof pledged securities, as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire4:                  - securities blocking for participation in the trading session:                         for the resident  20,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month                        for the non-resident 80,00 BYN               - on other grounds under the legislation 2                         for the resident 13,00 BYN  No later than the last business day of the reporting month                    for the non-resident 70,00 BYN  • inter-depositary transfer with exclusion of the blocking/unblocking of pledged securities as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire:                    for the resident 20,00 BYN  No later than the last business day of the reporting month                    for the non-resident 80,00 BYN           • blocking/unblocking of pledged securities as well as the transfer of shares in respect of which the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee have a preemptive right to acquire                     for the resident 20,00 BYN  No later than the last business day of the reporting month                    for the non-resident 80,00 BYN
    7.3.3. Preparation of draft "depo" orders on the transfer of registered securities for a depositor4:        for the resident 6,00 BYN
    per each order
    If there is an agreement - no later than the last business day of the reporting month; if there is no  agreement - upon the provision of the service       for the non-resident 25,00 BYN for each order
    7.3.4. Provision of a "depo" account ("depo" account section ) statement at the  depositor's request for the past periods other than the current trading day        for the resident 10,00 BYN
    per statement
    If there is an agreement - no later than the last business day of the reporting month; if there is no  agreement - upon the provision of the service       for the non-resident 55,00 BYN per statement
    7.3.5. Reopening of a "depo" account of a legal entity in cases provided for by the legislation 15,00 BYN If there is an agreement - no later than the last business day of the reporting month; if there is no  agreement - upon the provision of the service
    7.3.6. Providing of an additional information at request of a depositor (on depositary service, for accounting purposes etc.)        for the resident 25,00 BYR If there is an agreement - no later than the last business day of the reporting month; if there is no  agreement - upon the provision of the service       for the non-resident 50,00 BYN
    7.3.7. Closing of a "depo" account on the depositor's initiative in case of termination of a depositary service agreement4        for the resident 20,00 BYN No later than the expiry date of the agreement       for the non-resident 120,00 BYN
    7.3.8. Storage on a depositor's account of the issue of the issuer's securities with whom the depositary has not concluded a depositary service agreement (charged per each issue)⁵        for the resident 10,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month        for the non-resident 30,00 BYN
    7.3.9. Request processing for repayment (yield repayment) on securities (charged for each request)        for the resident 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month        for the non-resident 50,00 BYN 
    7.3.10. EXCLUDED        for the resident 5,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month        for the non-resident 5 USD 
    7.3.11. Storage of undocumented mortgage on the issuer's "depo" account  (the fee is charged per each undocumented mortgage) 10,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.3.12. Crediting of undocumented mortgage handed over for centralized storage 18,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.3.13. Debiting of undocumented mortgage removed from centralized storage   18,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.3.14. Processing of information on undocumented mortgage received from  RUE "Republican Central Securities Depository of Securities" in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus 15,00 BYN If there is an agreement - no later than the last business day of the reporting month; if there is no  agreement - upon the provision of the service
    7.3.15. Transfers during the process of book-entry pledge instruments on an issuer's "depo" account  (charged per each transfer) : intra-depositary: 13,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month inter-depositary: 20,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.3.16 Conducting of accounting custody transactions (withdrawal / crediting) with securities based on the results of trading on the organized market 15,00 BYN No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    Notes to Subsection 7.3.:
    1. The fee for the operations specified in Clause 7.3. is not applicable to depositors who are in the process of liquidation or have already been liquidated on the basis of information on the liquidation of a legal entity available to the depositary. 
    2. The fee specified in Clause is not applicable to transfer of bonds issued by JSC Belagroprombank to a "depo" account of JSC Belagroprombank,  repayment (early repayment) thereof in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.   
    3. The fee specified in Clause 7.3.1. shall be charged in the amount of 50% of the set value if the depositor opens a "depo" account for crediting JSC Belagroprombank/s bonds  purchased in the secondary market under purchase agreements in which JSC Belagroprombank is a party to the transaction.
    4. The fee specified in Clauses 7.3.1.,, 7.3.3.,7.3.7, shall not be charged from the republican state administrative body for state property management and other state bodies that conduct transactions with securities of JSC Belagroprombank in accordance with the functions entrsusted to them within their competence.
    5. No fee is charged for keeping on a "depo" account of issues of government bonds of the Republic of Belarus, securities blocked in accordance with the law, including those arrested, as well as the rights to which are limited by law 
    7.4. Funds trust management
    7.4.1.    Management of assets owned by a trustor1: • basic remuneration for trust management for the amount: - up to BYN 250 000 /USD 100 000 /
    EUR 100 000 / RUR 6 000 000 inclusive
    1,0% per annum
    of the average daily value of assets held in trust
    No later than the last working day of the month  following the reporting quarter - over BYN 250 000 / USD 100 000 /
    EUR 100 000 /RUR  6 000 000 to BYN 2 500 000  /
    USD 1 000 000 / EUR 1 000 000 /
    RUR 60 000 000 inclusive
    0,75% per annum
    of the average daily value of assets held in trust
    (incl.VAT) - over BYN 2 500 000 / USD 1 000 000  /
    EUR 1 000 000/ RUR 60 000 000
    0,5% per annum
    of the average daily value of assets held in trust
    (incl.VAT) • variable remuneration for full trust management and trust management by agreement 5% of the profit earned for the billing period (incl.VAT)
    7.4.2.    Partial withdrawal of assets from the trust management 2 1 % of the value of withdrawn assets (incl.VAT) No later than the last working day of the month  following the reporting quarter
    7.4.3. Execution of the instructions of the grantor under trust management upon instruction (per 1 instruction) BYN 20
    No later than the last working day of the month  following the reporting quarter
    7.4.4. Provision of analytical information and / or investment recommendations at the request of the trustor within the framework of trust management by order (for 1 provision) BYN 20
    No later than the last working day of the month  following the reporting quarter
    Notes to Subsection 7.4.:
    1.   The fee specified in Clause 7.4.1., is charged while calculating the remuneration according to the local legal act of JSC Belagroprombank, regulating the payment order, amount and remuneration type for the trustee.
    2.        The fee specified in Clause 7.4.2., is charged for the partial withdrawal of assets from the trust management  as  a result of which the market value of assets in trust management after withdrawal will account for less than 70% of the total amount of assets in the trust management before the withdrawal of the assets. 
    7.5. Other services
    7.5.1. Registration of operations with securities, incl. securities pledge agreement, an agreement on the amendment or termination of a contract performed on the over-the-counter market under to the legislation (paid by one of the parties)1 : •  With participation of a legal entity - a resident of the Republic of Belarus except state administrative body under the legislation:  - by an owner of securities of open joint stock companies with exclusion of JSC Belagroprombank  0,0055% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 90,00  No later than the last business day of the reporting month in which the service was provided (unless otherwise provided for by the agreement)   - by an owner of securities of closed joint stock companies 0,0055% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 150,00   - by an owner of the issuers' securities of other ownership types 0,0055% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 90,00   - by the owner of securitties of JSC Belagroprombank2 0,0055% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 25,00 With a participation of state administrative body under the legislation2 0,00015% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 25,00 No later than the last business day of the reporting month in which the service was provided (unless otherwise provided for by the agreement) With a participation of a legal entity - a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus2 0,0055% of the operation amount, minimum BYN 1000 No later than the last business day of the reporting month in which the service was provided (unless otherwise provided for by the agreement)
    7.5.2 Payment of income (repayment) for undocumented bonds on behalf of the Issuer within bank depository activities3  1,5% of the amount of payment (repayment) No later than the last business day of the reporting month
    7.5.3 Placement of information according to a client's application (instructions)  in the integrated information resource of the security market (for each placement of information) 30,00 BYN (incl. VAT) No later than the last business day of the reporting month in which the service was provided (unless otherwise provided for by the agreement)
    Notes to Subsection 7.5.:

    The fee under Clause 7.5.1.:

    -is not charged when registering transactions with securities provided JSC Belagroprombank is one of the parties of the transaction and made upon initiative of JSC Belagroprombank;
    -is not charged when registering transactions with government securities of the Republic of Belarus where JSC Belagroprombank is one of the parties of the transaction;

    -when registering transactions with securities provided JSC Belagroprombank is one of the parties of the transaction and made upon initiative of a seller-owner, seller-pledger or another obligations owner of JSC Belagroprombank, is charged from the mentioned above owners;

    -is charged from the state administrative body and another government body (further – body) when registering transactions with securities between JSC Belagroprombank and appropriate body in case if this body is the initiator of transaction. 

    2. In case the operatin is performed in the currency different from Belarusian ruble, for the purposes of calculating the fee amount for the operation as per Clause, the amount of operation shal be recalculated in Belaruaian rubles based on the official BYN/foreign currency exchange rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the operation.
    8. EXCLUDED 
    9 Custody services
    9.1. Closed custody 0,40 BYN
    per day                                     (VAT incl.)
    In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Custody document
    9.2. Open custody:    
    9.2.1.  • of securities sold by JSC Belagroprombank 10,00 BYN
    for 1 Custody document (Additional Agreement to Custody document)
    (VAT incl.)
    In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Custody document
    9.2.2.  • other documents and securities of JSC Belagroprombank 0,40 BYN
    per day                                     (VAT incl.)
    In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Custody document
    10. Active operations ¹
    10.1. Transfer of a credit indebtedness (other active operation) to another bank on the initiative of a client  by concluding a contract of assignment of the right of claim between JSC Belagroprombank and the receiving bank 10,37 BYN +
    3,36 BYN per each additional contract
    At performing the operation
    10.2.  Introduction of amendments and (or) additions, on the initiative of a client, to contracts of : 2, 5 12,00 BYN On the date of the operation, but no later than the last operating day of the current month
    10.2.1. EXCLUDED     
    10.2.2. EXCLUDED     
    10.3. Recording of  monetary claims assigned within the factoring procedure 30,00 BYN
    per document
    On the day of the operation, but no later than the last operating day of the current month
    10.4. Introducing amendments and (or) additions, at the initiative of a client, to the loan agreement 3 36,00 BYN On the day of the operation, but no later than the last operating day of the current month
    10.5. Introducing amendments and (or) additions at the initiative of the client to the agreement for the implementation of another active operation (except for the factoring contract, loan agreement)4 36,00 BYN On the day of the operation, but no later than the last operating day of the current month
    Notes to Section 10:
    1. The term "active operation" is used in the meaning defined by the local legal act regulating the Glossary of JSC Belagroprombank
    2. The fee under the Clause 10.2. is applied in case of amendments and (or) additions to an factoring agreement in terms of changing the amount of fee, increase of a contract value, extension of the deadline for a debt repayment, changing the amount and forms of guarantee.   
    3. The fee under clause 10.4 is applied when making:
    amendments and (or) additions to the loan agreement at the initiative of the client in terms of:
    reducing the interest rate under the loan agreement;
    changes (increase or decrease) in the loan amount, including the maximum amount (limit) of funds provided to the borrower and (or) the maximum amount of the borrower's one-time debt;
    change of the currency of obligations under the loan agreement;
    changes in other conditions for the implementation of credit operations (changing the purpose of the loan, extending the term for granting a loan (the revolving period of the credit line), extending the terms for paying interest and other payments on the loan (except for the postponement of intermediate repayment periods for the principal debt on the loan));
    changes and (or) additions (replacement, early termination in whole or in part) to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement at the initiative of the client:
    if the client has an initiative to introduce amendments and (or) additions to loan agreements in terms of changing collateral in the event that the client does not have obligations to change (renew, replace) one collateral for another, due to the terms of the concluded loan agreements or collateral agreements by virtue of the norms local legal acts regulating the work with ensuring the fulfillment of obligations on active transactions with corporate clients in JSC Belagroprombank;
    if there is an initiative on the part of the client to introduce amendments and (or) additions to loan agreements due to the loss (partial or complete) of the previously provided security for the performance of obligations, even if the client’s obligation to replace the security is defined in local legal acts regulating work with performance security liabilities on active operations with corporate clients in JSC Belagroprombank;
    for each loan agreement, if the new (replaced, re-registered) collateral at the initiative of the client is collateral for several loan agreements under which the collateral is changed.
    The fee under clause 10.4 is not applied when replacing security in the form of a pledge of rights for a pledge of property upon the actual receipt of property into the ownership of the pledgor, the pledge of rights to which was previously a security for the fulfillment of obligations under a loan agreement under which the security is changed
    4. The fee under clause 10.5 is applied when amendments and (or) additions are made to the contract for the implementation of another active operation, with the exception of a factoring agreement, a loan agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement for the implementation of another active operation) at the initiative of the client in part:
    changes and (or) additions (replacement, early termination in whole or in part) to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the implementation of another active transaction at the initiative of the client:
    if the client has an initiative to introduce amendments and (or) additions to contracts for other active operations in terms of changing collateral in the event that the client does not have obligations to change (re-register, replace) one collateral for another, due to the terms of the concluded agreements for the implementation of other active transactions or collateral agreements in accordance with the norms of local legal acts regulating the work with securing the fulfillment of obligations on active transactions with corporate clients in JSC Belagroprombank;
    if the client has an initiative to introduce amendments and (or) additions to contracts for other active operations in connection with the loss (partial or complete) of the previously provided security for the performance of obligations, even if the client’s obligation to replace the security is defined in local legal acts regulating work with ensuring the fulfillment of obligations on active transactions with corporate clients in JSC Belagroprombank ;
    under each contract for other active operations, if the new (replaced, re-registered) collateral at the initiative of the client is collateral simultaneously under several contracts for other active operations, under which the collateral is changed.
    The fee under clause 10.5 is not applied when replacing security in the form of a pledge of rights for a pledge of property upon the actual receipt of property into the ownership of the pledgor, the pledge of rights to which was previously a security for the fulfillment of obligations under an agreement for another active transaction, under which the security is changed.

    The fee under Clauses 10.2.1, 10.3 is not charged:

    when financing creditors against the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 25.08.2006 No. 534 “On promoting the development of export of goods (works, services);

    in other cases provided by law. 

    The fee under clause 10.3 is charged for one document provided by the creditor to the bank in order to receive financing under a factoring agreement. This document (one document) is: consignment note; register of consignment notes; invoice and other documents confirming the fact of shipment of goods (performance of work, provision of services) 

    11. Acquiring of trade (service) organizations
    11.1. Servicing of trade (service) organizations under acquiring¹ under the contract under the contract At the moment of transfer to a trade (service) organization of funds on operations using bank payment cards
    11.2. Urgent connection of terminal equipment for trade (service) organizations on the client's initiative 168,00 BYN (incl. VAT) Before sending a request for connection by the bank
    Notes to Section 11:
    1. Including the service of organizing the possibility of issuing cash at the cash desks of points of sale of trade (service) organizations.
    12. Other operations and services
    12.1. Crediting and payment of salary and other payments to individuals, incl. transfer to basic accounts under the concluded contract    
    12.1.1. To accounts of individuals (except card accounts within the "Salary" package) 2% of the amount Simultaneously with the payment transfer
    12.1.2. Without opening of an account 2,5% of the amount
    12.1.3. To accounts of individuals, and without opening an account payment for agricultural products supplied by individuals 0,1% of the amount
    12.1.4. To accounts to which bank payment cards are issued as a part of the "Salary" package4 , transfer to basic accounts: Basic 1,9% of the amount Simultaneously with thepayment transfer, but no later than the last trading day of the current month Standart 1,8% of the amount Special 1,8% of the amount Alternative 0,5% of the amount Comfort  1% of the amount
    12.2. Transfer of funds from accounts, including without opening of an account, in favour of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (provided there is a contract with the beneficiary) 2% of the amount Within the terms set by the  agreement
    12.3. Refund of expenses to third parties (to insurance companies, post offices, notary services and etc.)   In the amount of Bank's expenses incurred by the bank during such operations Within the terms set by the  agreement
    12.4. Reporting financial information to an audit company on the request of a client for the period:
    12.4.1. Up to 1 month (inclusive) or as of the specific date 30,00 BYN (VAT incl.) No later than the day of the operation
    12.4.2. Up to 1 year (inclusive)1 42,50 BYN  (VAT incl.)
    12.5. Sending documents by fax within the Republic of Belarus 1,60 BYN
    per page (VAT incl.)
    No later than the day of the operation
    12.6. Documents transfer by post office  within  the Republic of Belarus 0,30  BYN
    per posting
    No later than the day of the operation
    12.7. Posting through courier 2   10,00 BYN  + fee of the respective company  No later than the day of the operation
    12.8. Consulting and information services concerning foreign economic activity³ 80,00 BYN
    (VAT incl.)
    No later than the day of the operation
    12.9. Provision of services related to assistance in concluding agreements for the provision of consulting, financial and non-financial services between the providers of these services  and clients of JSC Belagroprombank in the framework of cross-selling Under the agreement (VAT incl.) Within the terms set by the  agreement
    Notes to Section 12:
    1. The fee for the operations specified in Clause 12.4.2. is charged per each calendar year separately.
    2. The fee under Clause 12.7 of the respective company  is charged in foreign currency or Belarusian rubles at the official rate of Belarusian ruble to the respective currency set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (cross-rates calculated based on the official rates of Belarusian ruble to the respective currencies set by the National Bank of the Republiuc of Belarus) on the date of payment (if such right is granted to the client by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the terms of the agreement).
    3. The service is rendered according to the client's written application (free form).

    Cards are issued and serviced within the “Salary” packages: on the terms established by subsection 18.1 “Debit cards” - cards issued as part of the “Salary” (Basic) package, as well as Belkard Premium cards within the “Salary” (Standard), (Special), (Alternative) and (Comfortable) packages);  on the terms established by subsection 18.3 “Cards issued as part of the Salary packages” - cards issued as part of the Salary packages (Standard), (Special), (Alternative) and (Comfortable), with the exception of Belcard Premium cards. The “Salary” (Special) package is provided to corporate clients in the business direction “Large and Largest Business”, who have been assigned the settlement status “VIP”, or to other corporate clients in accordance with the decision of the authorized body of JSC Belagroprombank. 

    The “Salary” (Alternative) package is not provided to individual entrepreneurs.

    The fee for transactions under subclause 12.1.4. is charged, including when crediting accounts to which bank payment cards are issued, within the framework of other card products or packages presented in the line of JSCBelagroprombank for individuals.

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