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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Fee guide

    22. Service packages for corporate customers
    22.2. Additional service packages "PRO" 
    22.2.2. Additional service package "PRO" ("Cash")
    No. Package name ADDITIONAL PACKAGES "PRO" Payment due date  
    10 75 350 600  
      User fee 10,00
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    On a month of client's connection to the service package – on the date of connection to the service package, no later than the last operating day of the current month. In the next months – before the tenth day of the current month, no later than the last operating day of the current month  
    1. Cash services in Belarusian rubles:             
    1.1. Acceptance of cash Belarusian rubles from clients of JSC "Belagroprombank" for crediting (transferring) to their current (settlement) and other accounts opened in JSC "Belagroprombank":             
    1.1.1. • through the cash desk of JSC "Belagroprombank" 0,15% of the sum 0,13% of the sum 0,10% of the sum 0,08% of the sum On the day of the transaction, but no later than the last business day of the current month   
    1.1.2. • through an automatic deposit machine  0,10% of the sum 0,10% of the sum 0,10% of the sum 0,08% of the sum On the day of the transaction, but no later than the last business day of the current month   
    1.1.3. • through self-service devices
    JSC "Belagroprombank" equipped with a cash acceptance module (self-service payment and reference terminal, ATM) 
    Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package      
    1.2. Cash withdrawal of Belarusian rubles from customer accounts  2,00% of the sum 2,00% of the sum 2,00% of the sum 2,00% of the sum On the day of the transaction, but no later than the last business day of the current month   

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