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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Fee guide

    22. Service packages for corporate customers
    22.2. Additional service packages "PRO" 
    22.2.1. Additional service packages "PRO" ("Trade")
    No. Package name ADDITIONAL PACKAGES "PRO" Payment due date
    10 45 100 330 800 2200
      User fee 6,00
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    per month
    On a month of client's connection to the service package – on the date of connection to the service package, no later than the last operating day of the current month. In the next months – before the tenth day of the current month, no later than the last operating day of the current month
    1. Payment settlement:               
    1.1. Bank transfer in Belarusian rubles (except instant payment) on the basis of the payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including using
    AIS MOF1
    10 per month 45 per month 100 per month 330 per month 800 per month 2200 per month  
    2. Operations with corporate bank payment cards               
    2.1. Service maintenance of corporate bank payment cards (including issue and re-issue) issued by
    JSC "Belagroprombank"
    (except for urgent processing): 
    2.1.1. payment system BELKART Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package    
    2.1.2. international payment system VISA / MC  Х The package includes
       2 Business cards 
    The package includes
       2 Business cards 
    The package includes
       3 Business cards 
    The package includes
       3 Business cards 
    The package includes
       5 Business cards 
    2.2. Provision of the "XL" package of SMS-informing services (on corporate bank payment cards issued (reissued) within the service package)  Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package    
      1 AIS MOF - automated information system for the fulfillment of monetary obligations 

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