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    Fee guide

    22. Service packages for corporate customers  
    22.1 Main service package "SMART"  
    No. Operation                                                     Service package/fee rate                                                                            SMART Payment due date Notes
    START individual entrepreneurs micro and small businesses large corporate business
      User fee ¹ 0,01 BYN
    per month
    15,00 BYN
    per month
    25,00  BYN
    per month
    45,00   BYN
    per month
    On a month of client's connection to the service package – on the date of connection to the service package, no later than the last operating day of the current month. In the next months – before the tenth day of the current month, no later than the last operating day of the current month  
    1. Opening accounts, performing payments in Belarusian rubles:            
    1.1. Opening  bank accounts in Belarusian rubles (based on the application of a resident client) Included into the package  Included into the package  Included into the package   Included into the package      
    1.2. Attesting the signature of persons authorized to sign payment documents and seal impression by business entities on the specimen signature and seal card  Included into the package  Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package      
    1.3. Bank transfer in Belarusian rubles (except instant payment) on the basis of the payment instruction transmitted in electronic form (including using
    AIS MOF2
    Included into the package 
    no limits
    5 per month 15 per month 30 per month    
    1.4. Issuance of statements to clients (on presence of accounts in the bank, on funds flow on customer accounts, on the balance for a particular date, on persons authorized to perform operations on the account, on presence of debts on active bank operations and etc.) 2 statements per month  1 statement per month  2 statements per month  3 statements per month     
    2. Remote reporting of operations, decisions made, events that occurred within the framework of a bank account agreement (Viber/SMS/e-mail) 3 Included into the package  1,00 BYN
    per month
    1,00 BYN
    per month
    1,00 BYN
    per month
    no later than the last operating day of the current month in which the operations and (or) services were rendered  No fee is charged if no information messages were provided to the client in the current month.
    Payment for the first and subsequent months is charged in full, regardless of the number of transactions and the date of their implementation.
    3. Remote banking service (including in the multi-user workplace mode):             
    3.1.  User fee for the use of  the Internet-Client remote bank service system   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package      
    3.2. Registration, installation and connection to the subsystem Internet-Client of the remote bank service system with the provision to the client with the machine bearer for recording  and storing of personal keys with message authentification codes and encryption   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package   Included into the package      
    4 Cash service in Belarusian rubles:            
    4.1. Cash acceptance of Belarusian rubles from clients of JSC Belagroprombank  for crediting (transfer) to their current (settlement) bank and other accounts opened in JSC "Belagroprombank":            
    4.1.1.      • via JSC "Belagroprombank" cash desk  0,2% of the amount x x x On the day of the operation, but no later than the last working day of the current month  
    4.1.2.       • via automatic deposit machine Included into the package   x x x    
    4.1.3.       • via ATMs of JSC "Belagroprombank",
    equipped with a cash acceptance module
    Included into the package   x x x    
    4.2. Cash withdrawal in Belarusian rubles from client accounts 2% of the amount x x x On the day of the operation, but no later than the last working day of the current month  
    5   Diactivating a service package            
    5.1. within 12 months (from the month of provision of the "SMART START" service package) (inclusive) of service according to the line of service packages according to the application of the corporate client 50,00 BYN x x x at the moment of the operation  
    5.2. EXCLUDED            

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